Hang Them Harder


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/19/2011 at 08:28 AM   
  1. Children and mentally challenged people - wow this predator had it all worked out - bet they found a plasma tv & up to the minute cell phone in her possession.

    I’m sick of this crap - we have worked hard all our lives, hubby took advantage of a Veterans program to get a college degree and we are living on bare bones right now. Paying our bills and attempting to figure out how we are going to get by as prices continue to rise and unemployment goes on.

    And these people scam the system and get away with it because it’s government - not their money so they don’t give a damn to do their actual jobs at all, ever.

    Well the sub basement & steel door explains how no one really caught on, but for years.

    And taxpayers keep taking it in the wallet and say - Oh we can’t push to repeal the 16th Amendment - why that’s just not right. Not to mention simply the repeal of these awful and wasteful ‘entitlement programs.

    Imagine where we’d be today, if we weren’t financing the Linda Westons, ‘dr’ Kermit Gosnells and the hundreds if not thousands liars, cheats and scammers and/or someone at least attempted to keep a watchful eye on the system. Better to sic IRS agents on these criminals than those who don’t pay taxes. And this is just SS - add into it Medicare, Medicaid, SCHiP, welfare, food stamps etc. Lots of hard earned taxpayer money going to waste.

    Are the ‘news’ channels doing any ‘reporting’ on this story? Haven’t watched in a couple of days - already in a bad mood - don’t need to aggravate it.

    Locally the only story seems to be that Carson Palmer got traded to the Raiders. Like that is important at all.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/19/2011  at  01:15 PM  

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