gorebal warming is what destroyed the roman empire, or , who’s on first?


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/18/2011 at 11:44 AM   
  1. I’ve heard this theory before. Global cooling caused crop failures which caused the barbarian migrations that ended up overthrowing the Roman Empire. Not a new theory. Note that it was global cooling, not warming. The Romans expanded during a warming phase.

    Oh yes. BTW, no anthropogenic warming was involved. No ‘greenhouse’ gasses were involved.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   01/18/2011  at  02:06 PM  

  2. Right. The other day (or yesterday?) there was another one of those ,,, scientists believe thingies in the paper, quoting someone saying it was warming that caused it. I pretty much ignored it but wanted to save it for the humor I thought was there. But I lost it before I could post it. I think it may have been in the Telegraph. ?? Anyway, I saw that Littlejohn picked up on it today.
    The other thing I have read was tribes being pushed out of their homeland yadda,yadda.
    I guess bottom line, by the time Rome fell, someone wrote, the emptiest places were the libraries and the fullest was the Colosseum. Did I spell that correctly? It sure doesn’t look right. ? Hmm. No red line tho.Yeah, I guess it is.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/18/2011  at  02:17 PM  

  3. Isn’t history written by the victors? Thus how can we ever know what was true or not - when the poor downtrodden victims weren’t allowed to have their say until a century or two later (how convenient)?

    The ‘modern’ scientists must be getting desperate to convince the stupid masses that GlowBull Warning is real - to attempt to re-write a centuries old ‘reason.’

    And Chris is correct - wasn’t that damn long ago - It was GlowBull Cooling that was the cause of death, destruction and the soon to be demise of Mother Earth.

    Cry Wolf long enough - and the people simply start laughing.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/18/2011  at  05:13 PM  

  4. To add I would guess that it was climate change that drove the Zulus to leave their sub Saharan lands and run rampage through Africa untill Michael Cain stopped them, the AGW nazis or are they stazi?? will start burning books soon as the written word is harder than wikpedia to corrupt, when do the hangings start?? I want to watch, Gores corpulent carcass will need a strong rope.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   01/18/2011  at  09:05 PM  

  5. Isn’t is amazing - that these men who obtain such positions of power f-it up with their umm - scr*wing around - Where would Mel Gibson (riding on the high of actually doing serious movies that sold more than a dozen tickets) - John Edwards and of course our (keeping it on topic) fearless liar - Al Gore be - if they had just not let their ‘inclinations’ lead them into affairs of the flesh.

    Clinton is the exception - as in reality - his affairs of the flesh began long before his power grab - it was his Hildabeast whose quest for her own position and power that enabled it to get to the Oval Office. Which is disgusting, a major reason that HRC should never, ever be POTUS and indeed sicker than his juvenile Bimbo eruptions.

    The Goracle has made himself the disaster (and ignored Nobel Peace Prize winner) that he is now. He should have stayed stuck in a pathetic marriage and still on top - Rather than be known as a sex poodle - Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/19/2011  at  09:09 AM  

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