Go Donald Go


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/29/2011 at 04:34 PM   
  1. The school answer is simple, the unions make it harder than terrorists to operate a school!

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   04/29/2011  at  05:53 PM  

  2. Trump has been on Rush Limbaugh twice in the last couple of months. Frankly, I like how he takes it to the Dems. But…

    Is he electable? Is he really a conservative?

    Don’t know. All I can say is that if he succeeds in getting the Republican nomination, I’ll vote for him. I won’t even hold my nose like I did when casting my vote for McCain in ‘08. Trump is not ‘reaching across the aisle’.

    If he does a ‘third party’ run… nope. I won’t support splitting the Republican vote.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   04/29/2011  at  08:01 PM  

  3. I can’t stand behind Trump. I think he’s using this as a publicity scam. HOWEVER. If his shenanigans flush out someone who is better or wake up the sheep in the herd that makes up of a large portion of Americans, let him bellow. If he is sincere, I would have no problem with him in the Oval Office, but I don’t think the man can be sincere on anything but making money and publicizing himself.

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   04/29/2011  at  09:20 PM  

  4. Trump is a spoiler - Now the question is, is he a DNC spoiler or a GOP spoiler. Sadly, given that the GOP continues (Mitt, Newt & Ron) to be the Party of WHOSE NEXT IN LINE rather than Who is best for the Party/Country - Trump just might be a GOP spoiler - forcing the decent potential candidates out early on. However, given his larger percentage DNC donations - maybe, just maybe he will push, nudge and shove The Won to the breaking point (case in point the fudged LFBC - which by the way has a completely different Registrar than the next days (Nordyke twins LFBC; also BHOs Registar # is 4 above the Nordyke twins who were born the next day) - which just proves once again - the DNC will stoop to anything to accomplish it’s goals.

    It will be interesting to see where this goes - Let him get in The Won’s face (and lack of transparency) - It is a winning thing. Let him shoot off his F bombs. I won’t vote for him - I don’t believe he is a true conservative and that is all I will vote for from now on - even if it means I don’t vote again.

    The GOP had 2007 and 2008 to vet this fraudulent lying fake huckster politics as usual (but on steroids) shyster - NO ONE in America (DNC, Senate, Supreme Court, msm, conservative groups - heck even Rush) took him on and truly investigated him. More power to Trump - better late than never.

    Sadly the situation (The Won as POTUS) is simple. It is a Constitutional Issue - on two simple counts:
    1) BHO Sr is listed on the COLB and (fake)LFBC as his father. BHO Sr was Kenyan and in 1961 Kenya was a British colony (did not obtain Independence until Dec 1963) and according to the British Nationality Law of 1948 (revised in 1978) - ANY Child born OF a British Citizen ANYWHERE in the World IS a British Citizen. [Go into the archives here to see a story peiper posted about a St Kitts citizen being hearled by British activists to not face the death penalty in TX, as she is a British citizen. Typical liberal bs - one the one hand it is, on the other it isn’t)
    2) According to US Citizenship laws in 1961 (please remember that the age of majority then was 21) the US Parent had to have lived in the US for 5 years past the age of 14 (i.e. be 19) to CONFER citizenship. Stanley Ann was 18 when The Won was born.

    When you add that The Won was not properly certified by the Senate BEFORE his nomination, that (while several Presidential Candidates had questionable Parental issues; they addresses such issues within days - not years) - BHO Sr did not apply for nor ever become a US Citizen (much different than CAA) - plus with the aforeknowledge (read the BHO Sr Immigration documents) that BHO Sr was married (are we looking askance to that issue because of the muslim background - and what does that say here in America in the 60s/2000s?) when he ‘supposedly’ married SAD?  And finally how about ACORNs manipulations in the elections (14 states questionable - BHO won 27, McAmnesty won 21 - even if just half proved fraudulent - that is a whole different win scenario) but of course with Holder so conveniently placed even video taped Voter Intimidation has been ignored. There is just so much that is covered with questions - which have no fact nor proof to ‘trust but verify’ when it comes to The Won.

    Which ends with the Constitutional Issue - while I support the end of The Won’s political career - such as the damage to the Constitution of That Which Must Be Repealed being allowed to stand etc - It is his fraudulent election that basically shreds the Constitution - allowing anyone who squats in America to spit out a spawn who can then become POTUS without question or comment.

    It is a sad day for America that our Institutions and those in Power - essentially agreed in 2007/2008 with The Won that the Constitutional Eligibility of a person to be President of the United States of America is ‘just silliness’.

    God Help America. And may Trump keep on keeping on - perhaps he will (finally and possibly inadvertently) uncover the TRUTH.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/30/2011  at  09:24 AM  

  5. I’m climbing back onto the soapbox - Re: the Fraudulent Election of The Won - take a look at WND (yes, I know a step above National Enquirer but look at what NE did to the Silky Pony) - and this is Senate Resolution S511 (April 24, 2008) on McAmnesty’s eligibility - The Won had the chutzpah to co-sponsor it and then VOTE to approve it - all the while laughing at us rubes for even dare questioning HIS eligibility - which did not get quite the same scrutiny.

    And in addition the 110th (most ethical) Congress ever did not pass a budget. Why am I mentioning this again - well aren’t we facing another week of raise the debt ceiling or America as we know it will die, bs? So I have to ask, if since Oct 2010 - America has functioned without a budget (and isn’t it mentioned in the Constitution that Congress pass a budget (unlike Medicare, Social Security, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, SCHip, Medicaid, et al)) - without America coming to end and all the SS, Military etc checks get sent out? So lets just live under a CR for frickin ever - why even pass a budget, raise the debt ceiling or anything. The money is based on nothing, those who must be paid (to get votes) continued to be paid, Congress votes itself pay raises and continues to get all the perks and bennies while the rest of America is getting poorer and poorer while being admonished that we aren’t paying enough (greedy little ba*tards) - while all of our ‘check and balance’ institutions allowed a British Citizen to sit as POTUS who finds gaffeing about remembering being born as more important than certifying his eligibility (or even producing the required documents of same) - while allowing his Aunt who was ordered twice to be deported to not only stay but live off the dimes of hard working employed Americans - while keeping the border not only open but supplying the enemies with high powered munitions to insure that drugs and illegals run rampant into America. Let’s just pretend to ‘fix’ things and kick the damn can down the road a few more decades. Damn it I now know why Trump dumped the F bombs - maybe I might vote for him - certainly not a inside the beltway hack.

    WTF does it matter - We are A Nation of Men now - Laws don’t matter and the Constitution (that they all swore an oath to) is just as valuable as tp - Until Patriotic Americans stand up - and say HELL NO NOT ANYMORE - we are doomed to become Cuba, Russia, Venezuela.

    But damn it all - you’d better pay your taxes by April 15th or we’ll confiscate everything you own.

    Bite Me.

    Where is a REAL AMERICAN TO RUN AND TAKE BACK AMERICA - or is it really too late?

    Maybe Trump was wrong to do this - He caused me to get all p*ssed off again. Damn him, he caused me to remember that everyone sitting in Congress, the DNC, the Supreme Court and the media in 2008 are to blame for why we are here - they didn’t do their job and intentionally set America up to this socialist destruction.

    May they all rot in hell - too bad it will be too late to help Me, my Kids or my grandchildren - if we get 4 more years of ‘dope and chance’ - it will be the end of America.


    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/30/2011  at  01:39 PM  

  6. Quick little video - makes a good point.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/30/2011  at  02:11 PM  

  7. Wardmama, I love you dear, but don’t trash/diss WND. They do good stirring, and I use them a lot for news links at my site.

    Back to the subject though, this whole Trump bc bs was a set up to allow TEH WON to fess up more lies and stir more shit. Research on “The Donald” shows his monies invested politically go to demoncrap sources. And you know what they say. If it walks like a…

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   05/03/2011  at  03:27 AM  

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