“General Thanksgiving–A Proclamation”


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 11/24/2010 at 10:24 PM   
  1. Interesting program on Washington the other day. I always thought he had wooden teeth. Least that’s the story we heard. Not so says historian on radio. He had one good tooth to which ivory plate attached. Doesn’t sound too nice.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/25/2010  at  01:43 AM  

  2. I’m not sure what your point is peiper. I’ve been to Mt. Vernon, saw his wooden teeth. Not sure that one tooth would be any good…

    Ivory plate attached what? Wooden teeth?

    Allegorically, Washington with one tooth would scare the NORKs.

    I’ve done a lot of reading about Washington in the last year. Chicago had the song wrong. America doesn’t need Harry Truman, America needs George Washington.

    A man whose character was beyond reproach, and whose military skills were, adequate, unlike our current Kenyan-in-Chief.

    Washington wouldn’t have left the NORKs to fester for 60+ years. He’d have given MacArthur the bomb.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   11/25/2010  at  02:38 AM  

  3. I did not tknow this item existed C man,Thanks for sharing.
    Im beginning to wonder if I even had history class way back when cause stuff like this was never thrown over my bow for consumption.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   11/25/2010  at  08:48 AM  

  4. Here’s one for the liberals - cry me a river, every people has conquered and every people has been conquered. Retribution, revenge, re-distribution - are not equality, justice or anything positive - it just keeps the hate, the anger and the killing/inequality going. But alas the fools in America let the li(e)brals turn our school systems into social engineering and political indoctrination centers and all we are getting now is people who can’t read, can’t do math and expect to walk out into a CEO job and buy new. Not to mention not knowing their own history nor the failing and murderous history of all the ism/ist governments of history.

    But this is America where We The People are still Free enough to hear the truth (through fewer and fewer voices) and still just want to be left alone.

    Hopefully we will survive the dangerous re-distributin’ going on right now. Or remove it from office.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all - And remember all of your blessings - the most important one being you are in/an American - which is still the greatest country in the World.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/25/2010  at  10:05 AM  

  5. I did not tknow this item existed C man,Thanks for sharing.

    This is one reason I keep posting stuff that I think everybody knows.

    I grew up with books that included George Washington’s speeches. Didn’t get it in school. I really have to remember that just because I’ve seen/read/heard about it doesn’t mean that everybody’s seen/read/heard about it.

    Thanks for the reminder Rich.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   11/25/2010  at  10:35 AM  

  6. Wasn’t making any point. Just that it was interesting to hear our history over here. According to the historian speaking, he claimed those wooden teeth a myth, so surprised, I quoted him.  I thought only one tooth wouldn’t make a good anchor but that’s what I thought he said.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/26/2010  at  03:05 PM  

  7. U.S. general and first president of the United States George Washington (1732–1799) had several sets of dentures (false teeth), but none of them was made of wood. New York City dentist John Greenwood made Washington’s first set of false teeth out of hippopotamus ivory to which he riveted several human teeth.

    Further Information: Boller, Paul F. Not So! Popular Myths about America from Columbus to Clinton. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. 33-34.

    Another source says they were a combo of ivory and wood.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/26/2010  at  03:10 PM  

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