Fred on Harry


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/19/2007 at 05:01 AM   
  1. Its becoming increasingly difficult to view the DemocRATS as anything other than spineless deceitful wimps who take any position, say anything, betray anybody to obtain power.

    For the DemocRATS, the end justifies the means. With the media asleep at the switch or in cahoots with these slimeballs, America is in for a rough time unless the Republicans do a better job getting their message out.

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   06/19/2007  at  05:12 AM  

  2. Do you think that when FRED takes office he’ll clean out the insurgents? wink

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   06/19/2007  at  09:23 AM  

  3. And that is why they are already through their propaganda office, oops msm - have started to slime him with their sacrament - abortion. The old bash, he was for it before he was against it - doesn’t really go far with Fred - he said personally against and voted for controls - and now states that after seeing his own childs sonagram - can’t ever support it again.

    Not like these freaks who vote for stuff and then turn against it. You know on the pre-war intell - only 6 Congresscritters (beyond what ever named ‘committee’it is that is required to read it) signed in to read it - so they voted without reading the intel and then scream at the Administration for misleading them?

    We discussed this turncoat 110th Congress this morning on local radio - I am pushing for Term Limits - being the ‘third’ choice on the November ballot. These people are usurping power that they do not have and should not take from us the People who voted them in and now we must take the only legal way (voting them out, just seemed to make the situation worse as those dinosaurs with massive ‘control’ still remain in power) to give the power back to the People.

    The Congresscritters are crossing a line - and I am hoping that real American citizens stand up and make it hurt and take back America. Or else it is going to get ugly, very ugly - fast.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/19/2007  at  10:06 AM  

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