Former police officer held in cell after confronting yobs. 21st century crime and punishment.


Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 08/16/2008 at 11:10 AM   
  1. Peiper, I hate to say this but it really looks like the trash is cleaning itself up in England with all the knifings.  It’s more than obvious that the local constabulary isn’t up to keeping the yobs in check.  Heck, it’s looking like they’re more interested in mouthing platitudes about how horrible this is and cracking down on everyone.  Why can’t they grasp that if someone wants to kill another they’ll find a way, no matter the law, no matter what isn’t readily available?

    As for the former police officer, sir, welcome to what happens to your average citizen over there.  Heck, the same thing happens on this side of the “pond”.  My question is: are the yobs paying off the constabulary or are the constabulary afraid of what the yobs might do based on threats and past behaviors?

    Then again, the yobs might be taking some pages out of the muzzie handbook on how to deal with everyone not in their circles.

    Either way, the average citizen in England is pretty much fraked beyond hope from my point of view.

    Posted by Valgerd Gydhja    United States   08/16/2008  at  08:11 PM  

  2. The problem as I see it has been building since the sixties. The judiciary and legal profession as well as many politicians and a lot of senior policemen are liberal numb nut half wits. They have skewed the system in favour of the criminals. The police still by and large do a good job. Have a read of this website to get an insight into what the average copper thinks....

    mind you even the founder of the blog emigrated to Canada. if you read up on common purpose and realise that senior politicians and policemen are members of this “charity” you wonder if there is a hidden motive to destabilise Britain. Who knows. i preferred to get out while it’s still possible because as I see it Britain is in trouble and it won’t get better.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   08/16/2008  at  08:19 PM  

  3. Lyndon, I stand corrected.  Thank you.

    What’s the odds of getting the bleeding heart liberal judges thrown off the bench?  For their sentencing frakups are just encouraging the criminals.

    To add to the problem, everyone seems to be in deadly fear of the muzzies and yobs.  I agree with you, Lyndon, Britain doesn’t seem to be able to bring about change for the better thanks to the political party in power and the frantic desire to be seen internationally as PC.

    May you be able to leave Britain before the Saracen hordes take over all control of the country.  My deep condolences to those for whom this won’t be possible.

    Posted by Valgerd Gydhja    United States   08/17/2008  at  08:38 AM  

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