Foolish Child


I really hate that on almost any news story, I can get more detail and better photographs by looking up the story in the British press. Even if the story happens in America!

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/01/2011 at 08:34 AM   
  1. Foolish child - No Drew - it is the people he is being ‘raised’ by setting the example of you shoot those who make you angry or take something from you. Want to get a lesson on these people (those in the projects, on welfare, drug addicts) - watch The First 48 on A&E - again and again - it’s drug related or someone just killing another over a ‘diss’ - every once in a while it’s an innocent bystander. I stopped watching after one cop told the wife (who was claiming the guns were hers) that ‘a FN6 was made simply to kill cops’ and another cop was driving in his car to a scene and said ‘I grew up in this neighborhood and it was nice, but now it’s all drugs’ (umm, if the cops don’t do anything about it - what chance do we have?!?) - and finally although the entire community coming out to ‘mourn’ and wail about the killing of a guy & his wife who were dealing drugs out of their apartment with two babies - just made me sick. What is wrong with these people - the parents were dealing drugs - it was just a matter of time before someone thought they could score drugs and/or money by simply robbing & killing them. What is noble at all about these parents or their deaths?

    The cops are unionized and only care about making retirement, the very people who raise subhuman animals have b*tched so much about cops killing the vermin that most cops no longer shoot the real criminals - and these people settle anything and everything with a gun - so what are we to expect from the children?

    And yes, you can tell - what color the perps are simply by the lack of reporting - and we are suppose to believe that the msm has no bias? If these were white kids in the suburbs it would be front page, first story 24/7/365 - we would know everything about the kids and their parents before the ink on the pictures were dry.

    Time to rise up and fight back and Take Back America -

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA - 235 years and still going strong!!!!!!!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/02/2011  at  07:27 AM  

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