Explain this, please?


Posted by Severa    United States   on 01/09/2008 at 01:56 PM   
  1. Barf alert! This guy has been studying his copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion a little too much.

    Welcome back, I’ve missed you!!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/09/2008  at  01:48 PM  

  2. After reading his bio - he’s learned well at the feet of American fiberals - blame Bush, oops the Jews for everything.

    I bet Mahatma Ghandhi is ashamed that this Man is besmirching the name is such a vile manner.

    Indeed a real barf alert.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/09/2008  at  03:13 PM  

  3. One individual???Meaning Hitler, but oh how wrong. There was much rabid antisemitism through out Europe during the 20’s and 30’s. There were people in many of the occupied countries who couldn’t wait to hand over people they knew to be Jews, and in a few cases they falsely accused people of being Jews so that they could get spoils from the seizure of property.
    When I was stationed in germany, I had to deal with several landlords who held strong prejudices against Jews, who identified my name as being Jewish. They passed up no opportunity to make life harder for my wife and daughter.
    Their antisemitism runs deep, even today.

    Posted by Jeremy    United States   01/09/2008  at  07:13 PM  

  4. Hmmm… I might buy the idea that the Holocaust was the work of a single man, but if so it was centuries before Hitler. That one man would be the Pope who declared that Catholics were forbidden to practice usury (the loaning of money at interest).
    The obvious results followed. Wealthy Catholics didn’t make loans as investments, because of course there was nothing to be gained by it. In a comparatively short time, such hoarding was pretty well universal in Christian Europe. Naturally, this resulted in all the moneylenders in Europe being Jews.
    Now let’s scroll forward to the end of WWI. While it was no longer universal since the rise of Protestantism, the majority of the European banking industry was still largely in the hands of the Jews. What would you expect? Jewish parents are just as likely to leave their businesses to their children in their wills as anyone else, for precisely the same reasons. Germany had taken on much of Europe in a war they did not start (they came in as an ally of the Austrians) and had pretty much fought everyone to a standstill until the German Army was “betrayed” (in their own perception) by a government revolution while they were in the field. This resulted in the treaty of Versailles, which in many ways was nothing short of rape. It required Germany alone (NOT Austria, the original aggressor) to pay the war debt of virtually every country involved in WWI. Their economy was in ruins, they starved to death by the tens of millions in the years following the war, while all the wealth of what had been the industrial center of Europe went to pay the war debts of the now wealthier countries around them. They were not only being shafted, they were being shafted literally TO DEATH.
    And who was administering this massive robbery that was making all Germany feel that it was the target of genocide? The banking industry of course, who else COULD do it? And who still controlled the majority of the German banking industry? The Jews.

    Please understand, I’m not blaming the Jews, or the Catholics, or anyone in particular. I don’t know what motivated the draconian Versailles Treaty, nor what prompted the British Royal Navy to keep the blockade in place upon a starving Germany until it was signed. I think I can safely assume that long ago Pope was trying to make his people supportive of one another, not set members of another religion up for a fall in a far different future centuries hence that he couldn’t even imagine. I think I can safely assume that the Jews in Germany after WWI were just trying to survive, trying to do their jobs and keep from joining the starving masses all around them. I think I can safely assume that various political power blocs were involved, with the usual opportunism, but at the same time I feel that any of those who began it with Versailles would have been utterly horrified had they known where it would lead.
    Nonetheless, circumstances had made the Germans feel that they had been targeted for destruction as a people. And likewise, circumstances that had begun brewing centuries before had conspired to present the German Jewish community as the obvious and immediate agents of that destruction.

    The bottom line is that people can’t be counted on to be rational when they feel they are having to fight for their very existence. Even less so when they feel that they are subject to being utterly wiped out, not for anything they’ve done, but merely for having been born to the ancestry they were born to. Such was Germany in the early part of the 20th century. Such was Israel in the middle and latter parts, a position they are still in to a great extent. Be glad the Israelis have managed to avoid falling under the control of a madman as the Germans did, as history shows that those who feel they have nothing left to lose make frightening, fanatical shock troops.
    To that tiny extent, I must concede that the man has a point. Israelis, and to a lesser extent Jews across the globe, seem to have adopted something of a seige mentality. While I can’t blame them or fault their justification for it, the fact remains that it will be as difficult for them to heal that wound as it has been for the Germans. And it will take every bit as long.

    Now comes the hard part: Trying to do away with murderous Islamic extremism WITHOUT turning the average Muslim who’s just trying to get by and raise his children into yet another fanatic who feels he has nothing left to lose. I don’t have a lot of hope for that, as the work is being done by politicians and governments. And governments, no matter how much they may try to do otherwise, tend to wield the huge blunt axe of law and policy in situations that would be better served by using the delicate scalpel of common sense.

    The above came from learning and relearning history as it was learned by Americans, British and Germans, mostly. I haven’t done the footwork to verify it all, or I would have of course posted links. Please feel free to fact check me, and PLEASE let me know where I am in error. My baseline assumption in all this is that Germans, Israelis, American Jews, Muslims, etc. are basically no more sane or crazy than anyone else, that if an entire population appears to be otherwise it’s a reaction to a situation that sanity simply doesn’t provide useful answers for.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/09/2008  at  08:34 PM  

  5. Explain it? 

    It’s the freaking Washington Post.

    Next question.

    The primary difference between the Washington Post and the Onion is the pretense.  On the part of the Post.

    Posted by Archie    United States   01/09/2008  at  11:15 PM  

  6. It is part of trying to change History by downplaying events and their lessons. It has escaped the modern ‘thinkers’ that this kill every Jew evil master-plan by whole societies has never stopped.

    Posted by museofcheerios    United States   01/10/2008  at  08:10 AM  

  7. And then we have the fact that Hitler kept good relations with “those not of the master race”, the muslims, because THEY hated Jews as well, and would more than happily kill them for their religion. Which, btw, they still do. I believe in Israel. One tough ass nation!

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   01/10/2008  at  08:25 AM  

  8. I grew up slightly after peiper and in a different city - I was born in 1951 and raised in West Los Angeles where there were virtually zero problems between Christians and Jews.  I think I was a teenager before I heard the word “kike”. 

    As a small child in the 1950’s all I was certain of was that the adults talked a lot about something very bad that happened and they didn’t talk about it at all when they thought I could hear.  By the time I was 7 or so I was asking specific enough questions that they couldn’t put me off and I began learning about the Holocaust (the name came much later - we had no words for what happened). 

    I also got to know a very few survivors and many more who had escaped by the skin of their teeth.  My mother had a very uncomfortable time when I blurted the question “Why does that lady have numbers on her arm?” while we were in the local bakery.  The story of one family friend who was hidden by Nuns in a Convent is one of the few that makes me smile - it really reaffirms that there are G-dly people in the world.

    Mr. Ghandi is right in one particular.  Those who grew up as I did cannot forget, even though we’d like to.  We understand the words “Never again” in our bones in a way that I hope no one ever has to learn again.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/10/2008  at  02:13 PM  

  9. Okay, there’s one comment I feel like I MUST throw in. From a Lenny Bruce performance in Carnegie Hall in 1961:

    “We’re all Romans and we’re all correct. We all do the correct things, go to the correct places, think the correct thoughts. All except for one minor group that is the epitome of evil, that represents everything bad in our society. This group: The Christians. And there is only one thing that is proper and Roman and correct to do with them: Throw them to the lions.”
    “Whew… lion fressing. I’d rather be schlepped away from a lunch counter ANY day. There’s a distinct qualitative difference between being refused service and being served as refuse.”

    Hope that put a giggle back into a subject that often needs one.


    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/10/2008  at  04:28 PM  

  10. This is yet another case of ‘wisdom by genealogy’, ie; if one’s family was wise, popular, or charismatic, you too are wise, popular or charismatic. This is a load of bunk.
    Whenever I read son/daughter/granddaughter/roommate/friend of *name of noted person* I mostly ignore their opinion, as they are busily banking in the name of the person.
    I mostly end up laughing at their opinions, or being disgusted with their mindset, and the number of people who kowtow to them because of their name or association. A good case in point is anyone who associated with Martin Luther King. Most of them are still banking on his name, including his family, and, to be specific, the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
    Just my 2 cents

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   01/10/2008  at  11:03 PM  

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