Environmental News


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 03/10/2005 at 06:44 AM   
  1. I just finished reading “State of Fear” by Michael Crichton (sp?). While fictional, it is well documented and certain to piss of the ‘global warming’ crowd. I’m looking forward to following up the bibliography. It appears he did a ton of research…

    And God knows that global warming certainly has New England in it’s grip this week. It’s so damn hot my back door froze shut this morning.  I wonder if Al Gore is in the area to opine our environmental demise?

    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   03/10/2005  at  08:33 AM  

  2. what?  it’s NOT made out of cheese?

    Posted by DR@HDfixit    United States   03/10/2005  at  12:39 PM  

  3. Well sure! Think of the advertising possibilities when We go back there. Remember “TANG”

    Posted by DR@HDfixit    United States   03/10/2005  at  12:58 PM  

  4. I remember as a young geologist reading about the “Vail Cycles”, so named for Peter Vail. Dr? Vail demonstrated that sea level rises and, by implication, polar and glacial ice melting on a semi-regular basis. The cycles are long. On the order 10 tens of thousands of years which is much longer than the average human can concentrate, or comprehend. I don’t deny that the earth is warming (though I dispute the rapidity and magnitude) but the contribution that humans make is pretty insignificant.

    Iffn “they” are so worried about global warming as a result of CO2 emmissions, they should 1) support development of nuclear power and 2) remove themselves from the gene pool.

    Posted by yatalli    United States   03/10/2005  at  09:16 PM  

  5. Tuff - I have also read “State of Fear”. Great read and really does take the evironmental lobby to task. It has become a growth industry. Lots of people feeding on the fear.

    Ever heard of ‘Gaia’ theory? Postulates that the Earth is actually covered by a living organism (biospere) made up of all the stuff we call life - plants, animals, fish, viruses - and that like all living organisms it is self regulating. Roughly makes sense. May not be the “final” idea or truth but gives you something to think about.

    Personally, I think the environmentalists are a bunch of Chicken Little’s. If Mother Earth decides she needs to have fewer of us smart apes mucking about with her, she will find a way to reduce the population.

    A classic tactic of the evironmental lobby concerns the Rio Grande minnow in my home state. This little carp seemed to have reduced numbers in recent years. So, the greenies got the thing put on the endangered list. New Mexico ended up having to maintain stream flow levels in the river to accomodate the fishy. The reservoirs were almost drained for this little thing (about 1” long). The upshot is that NM is:

    1. At the end of what appears to be a multi-year drought.
    2. Losing farmers along the river because the irrigation districts cannot take enough water out of the river to irrigate the fields, the flow must be maintained. The farmers, who were barely making it anyway raising chile and other traditional crops, are having to quit farming.

    Now, the Rio Grande is and has always been a river that ebbed and flowed depending on the amount of snowfall in the Rockies. The river rose and flooded in the spring. Then it damn near dries up in the summer. It never had a steady flow year round. ......Until, the seasonal flooding of the lowlands near the river was contained in the 1930’s by the addition of diversion channels. The little carp, the Rio Grande minnow, did just fine, but the eviro-weenies find something that no one can prove is happening, just to push an agenda that has no ryhme or reason.

    Posted by Robohobo    United States   03/10/2005  at  11:53 PM  

  6. If you are gullible to believe in global warming, I would like to tell you about this nice suspension bridge (with towers, cables and roadway intact)for sale in Brooklyn.

    Of course if it is getting warmer we Repubicans in cold Seattle are all for it.

    Its just like the enviros to complain about better weather.

    And since (I think its something like 99.9%) of the species in the 4.55 billion year history of the earth are already extinct why the big concern about a few new ones added to the list of billions now? Since the extintion of species is (obviously) part of the natural functioning of the earth. If it was not then there would still be live dinosaurs denting your car and every other extinct animal.

    Its because without an “End of the world” phoney situation in their press releases Greenpeace won’t get more donations and the jerks will have to get real jobs.

    Posted by Paul "No Fear" Weir    United States   03/11/2005  at  01:12 AM  

  7. Fear - Cold in Seattle? Warmest year in a long time, isn’t it? I was just in Tacoma last weekend and the folks there were complaining about the lack of snow to play on up in the hills. I don’t ‘believe’ in global warming, it is a scare tactic by the enviro-leftists to make us scared of sonmething we cannot see, smell ot taste.

    Home has had the wettest year in a long time, but that is attributable to el Nino. Small one set up off of the coast of Chile this year - it has damn near drowned LA and broken our drought.

    Enviro-leftists just have to drum up some scare to make the money come in.

    Posted by Robohobo    United States   03/11/2005  at  01:57 AM  

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