England: Cultural Death, By Design


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/27/2009 at 04:10 PM   
  1. Interesting that one of the first things the socialists did when they came to power was remove capital punishmemt for treason from the statute book. Forward planning you see? This is only going to end one way and it won’t be pleasant.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   10/27/2009  at  05:36 PM  

  2. Although the Danes preceded them, to their credit the British abolished Slavery and the Slave trade In England and its colonies. In 1807 this became Law.

    For Decades the Abolitionists in England had fought for this.

    After the Law was adopted England aggressively pressured the other European Nations
    to discontinue the Practice.

    For more Info on the English abolishionists see:

    The Idea that England has not been a force for Good is wrong.

    The Africans Continued their Slave trade for some time.
    One of the Unintended Consequences of the British abolition was it reduced prices for Slaves,
    This caused the Africans to Expand their Trade.

    Posted by SwedeBoy    United States   10/27/2009  at  05:38 PM  

  3. Damn. I should have studied French harder! I’m actually beginning to like them!

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   10/27/2009  at  08:08 PM  

  4. I think Ive said it before but we truly are living in Bizarro world when the French are the only western nation who are fighting to maintain their national identity.Of course with the financial help of all the rest of the euro states,but still.
    Somehow I know Im going to wake up from this dream/nightmare and see ol Ronnie smiling from the white house lawn.Or die in my sleep, Either way works.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   10/28/2009  at  02:39 AM  

  5. How did we not know this was underneath it all? It has been staring us in the face for years. What shocks me is that it got out. That is the beginning of the end - as RichK said - Bizarro World when France stands tough - not quite - they are so narcissistic and arrogant - it is just amazing it took this long. But it is an indication that the tide is turning for good. People letting out the truth, WH leaks, the press finally pointing out that ‘busy’ Obama is actually partying and golfing more than that goofball idiot Bush - are the cracks in the dam that will allow the dam to break open.

    And heaven help all the good little socialists when it breaks open - We have the bombs, guns and more than that - we have the guts and backbone to use them.

    Now that our spineless leaders are attempting to turn coat - and not shutting up the most egregiousness hateful speaking moron on their side while pointing dirty little fingers at truth tellers on our side - the exposure is going to kill them.

    And they won’t get power back for another few decades. Yepper always remember that it is better to go slow and patient - not attempt to take a mile when given an inch.

    But arrogance and power maddness are their hallmark.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/28/2009  at  06:04 AM  

  6. The French are fed up with the idiots rioting and burning cars and who knows what else?
    This is the France located next to Germany isn’t it?
    No way. The idiots haven’t even gotten into politics yet and they want to get rid of them?

    Wait. They are in politics. That’s what brought this about. So send them back to their ancestoral home along with the idiots. Pine box will be fine.

    Posted by harleycowboy58    United States   10/28/2009  at  08:29 AM  

  7. Wardmama, that’s the arrogance of the far left. They’ve won - as far as they’re concerned - so they don’t have to hide any more.

    You’ve seen exactly the same kind of attitude expressed by our current administration. Ayers wrote Obama’s book. Came right out and said so. It means nothing. “Sure, we totally controlled the press” says the White House. Nothing happens. Obama puts overt Communists into power, part of his own personal micro-army of czars. Unvetted psychophants all of them. And nobody even raises an eyebrow. And so on, a hundred times over. Do not believe the dam will crack. It will not. Because ... if a dam breaks and the MSM ignores the flood, does anyone actually get wet? NO. It didn’t happen.

    Maybe the far left is right to be arrogant.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/28/2009  at  10:50 PM  

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