Empathy? Who has any?


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 01/08/2012 at 12:11 PM   
  1. The man does know how to turn a phrase, doesn’t he?

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   01/08/2012  at  12:50 PM  

  2. Hey Tiger, if, and that’s a big IF, I ever start DMing D&D games again, I’ve got a new magic shillelagh for the game. It stinks, but +4? That’s a pretty effective weapon.

    I didn’t even mention

    the Many-headed Monster Cock of Moloch

    Wow! Go Misha! (not sure how I’d work that into a game…)

    Posted by Christopher    United States   01/08/2012  at  02:26 PM  

  3. What’s D&D?

    When I was a kid all we had was Chinese checkers.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   01/09/2012  at  01:33 AM  

  4. Turn a phrase indeed. Counting down 3,2,1 until the left/msm (pardon the redundancy) implode since Tim Tebow snatched victory from the hands of a Rothlisburgler’s victorious comeback. Never mind that the twice accused of sexual assaulter Rothlisburger closed his eyes and pointed to heaven after one of his wonderful passes or that praying, pointing to heaven and taking a knee are common in the NFL - because it is Tebow taking a TeBow - the left will go off on him.

    Colmes has gone so insane that he is approaching Olbermann for nutzoid of the left honors. Speaking of Palin - Olbermann in his one (or one of his) worthless books (I perused it at the library to specifically see what he said about Palin) - dings Sarah for calling Trig her ‘retarded’ baby and his source is - yep you guessed it - Levi while he was going through a custody battle - sound, credible source there. Speaking of worthless leftist books - how has McGinness’ hit piece on Palin done? It is a shame, he used to be a fair and decent author.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/09/2012  at  09:00 AM  

  5. You know, I have held my 10 day old child while she died this has not lowered my opinion of the left at all, for if they had any kind thoughts at all for their fellow humans then they would not be left leaning at all . I really hete the bastards for what they have done to the world and Soros especially as he stole 5 years of my life when he crashed the pound in 89, it is good to see him squirming at the imminent demise of the euro and his fortune.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   01/09/2012  at  10:06 PM  

  6. So I finally had a minute to listen to the Alan Colmes drivel - I find it very offensive indeed. First - was he there to make that inane (and indeed, mocking) comment about ‘take it home to play with it’ bs? I too have lost an infant just after birth. One of biggest problems we have is that my ex (who due to the situation was commandeering a ‘free’ Christmas visitation) would not bring the kids to the hospital to see their brother nor after he passed and all arrangement were made, allow me (because he was now in ‘his’ New Year visitation weekend) to take the children with us home to bury their brother - they have never seen him as a real person at all. I completely understand why the Santorums did what they did - and Alan Colmes is indeed evil and petty and disgusting to even broach this in a political discussion - much like the Ron Paulists in NH who ran the disgusting ad re Jon Huntsman adopting a Chinese and an Indian babies (doesn’t sound quite like I want it too) - How dare you bring the children into a political discussion - It’s should be about the beliefs, issues and the job record of the individual candidate.[We know EXACTLY why they avoid the job record part with what is currently in the WH] While this bs started in earnest with LBJ’s ‘Daisy’ ad - it hit a new low with the Palin bs - and GWB is as much as fault as Boehner and McConnell for not standing up immediately and saying - Not NO but HELL NO to this personal, disgusting attack on the candidate. They said nothing and so now everything is fair game.

    A long time ago, in my kitchen at one of those pathetic, ritual ‘unit’ functions - I was telling a story about some California anti-military craziness I’d encountered and a young LT asked me - Did you speak up and correct them - what you don’t speak up against, you are implying that you accept. It stuck with me since then.

    We can’t continue to be forced into nominating a Dem-lite/RINO and being forced to accept the lesser of two evils or the ABO. I no longer will vote for the difference between hemlock and arsenic - You still DIE either way. It is pure and simple insanity. And the GOP won’t get it until they lose all the true conservatives and lose their POWER. Of course America will cease to exist by then - but it’s on that road to hell right now, even with them in seats of ‘power’. And the fact that they let people like McCain, Romney and Paul - call themselves Republican - shows that they have no intention of being conservative - at this time.

    To paraphrase my fav President - ‘I didn’t leave the Republican Party, it left me.’

    May they all rot in hell - it’s just too bad they are all presiding over the destruction of the US on their way there.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/10/2012  at  08:35 AM  

  7. My apologies wardmama4. Shouldn’t have linked to that.

    This did get a little personal: my last Scoutmaster’s wife spent the last six months of her last pregnancy in bed. Doctor’s orders. She was at risk of losing the child. After that, and a difficult birth, the girl only lived a few hours. I don’t know that the Shooks took her home to ‘play with’ in Alan Colmes’ wording. I’m betting they did, and held a family viewing and wake.

    I attended the funeral. I don’t ever want to do that again. Normal funerals are bad enough, but there’s something about that small casket… crying 2

    Posted by Christopher    United States   01/10/2012  at  08:56 AM  

  8. Chris,

    You know, I have held my 10 day old child while she died…

    I can’t imagine what you and your wife went through. All I can do is comment, and post meaningless stuff on blogs.

    I guess, on the plus side, you got to hold her. Or, as Alan Colmes said; take her home and play with her. He’s a sick bastard.

    I have to honor you Chris. I’ve never had the burden of a dying child, but, if I did, the child will at least die in her father’s arms. Or the mothers’s. Preferably we would both be there.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   01/10/2012  at  10:00 AM  

  9. You know what I don’t get - is that these crazy libs go to disgusting places (if you want to really read how off the rails these people can get about a candidate - read this: )
    is that these same people elect 1) a klans man - Byrd (wouldn’t you consider him to be one of the last people the Dems elect?!?) 2) a woman killer - Kennedy (again, seems like the feminazis should have sunk his election 3) two of the biggest lying morons on the planet - Reid & Pelosi (which says a lot about their constituencies) and of course an inexperienced fraud - Obama.

    Yet what was Palin’s crime? Having a Down’s Syndrome baby? Not admitting to reading the NY Times? She ‘quit’ her Gov position due to the expense it was costing the State (i.e. the taxpayers) and her own family - due to frivolous lawsuits halfway through (Obama served 154 days in the Senate and they call her inexperienced!) What was Cain’s crime - there is no proof of any of the accusations - I know he realized he would be Palinzed if he continued - so he was stupid and gave a vindictive woman money - his only crime appears (remember this is America, innocent until proven guilty - notice how the left is working overtime to change that!) to have been not telling his wife.  So now Santorum is crazy for taking his dead child home to let the other children see that it was a real baby. And to grieve in private surrounded by family.

    When are people going to wake up to the fact that these people are destroying America and put a stop to it? That is what saddens me most - that people like these are not fired and removed when they cross a line that civil people should not cross - Opinions are one thing but NEWS REPORTING should not involve such personally vindictive opinion.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/11/2012  at  09:04 AM  

  10. If Sarah Palin ever runs she’s got my vote. She’s accomplished, has a wonderful family, and Todd is man enough to be…I dunno…what would we call him? First Husband? Never had one of those before.

    Haven’t had the primaries in Ohio yet. I’m hoping Herman Cain is on the ballot. I know he’s dropped out, but the whole thing was BS. I’m sure his wife talked him into dropping out even thought it is all BS. If he is on the ballot, I’m voting for him. Dropped out? Maybe we can get him back.

    Drew! I still nominate wardmama4 as a new admin. If she’ll take it. I think that’s the problem…I nominate, and she says ‘Nyet’.

    Wardmama4, give it a try. You can always bow out later. You don’t even have to bow out, just quit posting. Please continue commenting.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   01/11/2012  at  10:05 AM  

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