Duh Oh


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/17/2009 at 06:02 PM   
  1. So, what did you mean by that? That was a very difficult read to understand. /sarc
    Revelations predicted it. Nostradamus, the Mayans and God only knows how many other cultures in the past. The Mayans were not the only ones, but I don’t remember which others said the same thing. Mankind is a stupid race, methinks. Our technology grew so much faster than our wisdom.  confused

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   09/17/2009  at  07:26 PM  

  2. You do realize that the only reason Der ObamanFuhrer still even has troops overseas is that he wants to keep the folks he sees as the biggest threat - combat ready soldiers - overseas where they aren’t able to support a popular uprising against the cabal of commie moonbat traitors in DC.

    He’d far rather bring them home and get them out of uniform and I think the plan is to have killed, injured, or just plain wear out all the folks who have the greatest ability to conduct combat operations. When they are gone he can replace them with gays and like-minded types who’d easily fire ON regular Americans instead of defending them.

    I would not put it past Der ObamanFuhrer arranging for our soldiers to get wiped out over there by Iran or using the Russians to cut them off so they can die in the field when the bullets and the food run out. He’s already encouraged for all of our allies to abandon us so why would they help pull them out?

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   09/17/2009  at  09:08 PM  

  3. OK. So now we know. What I wonder though is who holds the launch codes for all those nukes the Isralies have floating around the gulf in their comfy lil subs. Tick Tick Tick,,,

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/17/2009  at  11:47 PM  

  4. Babylonandon, I agree 100%.  We don’t really need to be in Goathumpistan unless it’s to get most of our combat troops slaughtered.  I imagine they’ll start having problems with their supply lines soon running out of ammo, food, water, etc.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   09/18/2009  at  06:17 AM  

  5. Interesting take - see I always thought Bush was smart (or his Brain was smart) in keeping Iran surrounded (so to speak) with both Iraq & Afghanistan filled with America’s (and the World’s - as apparently Poland & Czechoslovakia also sent Troops to assist with the GWOT - but I guess if the duplicitous fringe media had mentioned that oh way back in 2003 - the stupid masses would have realized that the World was on our side and they couldn’t have fomented such an anti-war stance) finest putting their lives on the line daily. Even though, if you look at the numbers - the anti-war stance went downhill from the beginning. Where is a good protest - that increases as it goes along when you need it - Oh yeah the Tea Bag Anti-(big)Government Protest!

    Anyway - aren’t these the same ‘intelligence’ gurus that were Wrong & Lied so that Bush Lied and of course People Died? Now somehow they are completely reliable? Funny how that works.

    Obama is going to get a lot of people killed - but he doesn’t care - neither do any of his czars as they all believe that people are the only & main source of all the problems in the World today - which has to make one wonder - are they that stupid or are they not people themselves?

    I vote for stupid, liars and anti-American scum.

    I do think that Afghanistan needs a major attitude adjustment - as does the entire region - so one well placed bomb with the disclaimer - end it now or we keep going (wouldn’t hurt Iraq either) - would be a more judicious use of our time and precious resources. Those who house and aid the enemy are not innocent - just a bit less guilty. There is historical proof that when one’s conscience to stand up occurs they can and usually do take on the most egregious person/entity/army - and with some success. Pride, fear and a desire to live can motivate a lot more people than the loser liberals ever imagine - look at the 9/12 March!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/18/2009  at  06:48 AM  

  6. Fact is Wardmama Bush betrayed us. He did it right after 911.

    He knew who had actually caused the attacks that killed over 3000 of our citizens. So did all of Congress and most everyone in DC.

    They shut down every last plane in the skies for what - 5 days!! - and yet they moved Heaven and Earth to get every member of Binny Laidmen’s family AND every unsecured member of the Saudi royal family out of the United States.

    We were attacked on 911 not by Saddamn, Iran, the North Koreans, or even the Taliban.

    We were attacked by the Saudi royal family.

    We were attacked by their Wahabi Islam that has spent billions building radical Madrassah’s around the world to indoctrinate children to Jihad.

    We were butchered by the same fat, dress wearing, camel-fornicating, pork-conceived, dog-spawn, oil-dripping Saudi Arabic sheiks who are pushing Islamofascist Imams into every mosque on earth especially here in the West so as to force radicalism onto the folks who left their countries to get away from this Wahabist crap and who have already lost most of their kids to it.


    The only other opposition is the competition coming from Armageddon-eye-jab and Iran - a major threat but not currently the bulk of the problem -n and this one could mostly be solved by the same solution.

    Obliterate the Saudi’s and Mecca and this problem goes away. The Q’uran promises that Allah will forever protect Mecca and the shrine there. Turn it into vapor (along with the effing Saudi’s) and we prove the Q’uran to be a lie. The Moslems are big on symbology and all of their book talks about the truthfulness of Prophets. If Mohamed lied about Mecca, then their religion is toast.

    At the very least the funding for Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Islamists in Pakistan, Abu Sayyef and the MNLF in the Philippines, Jemal Islamayah in Indonesia and Malaysia, and much of radical Islam around the world goes away.

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   09/18/2009  at  07:28 AM  

  7. Yes I know - I did not say I agreed with everything Bush did - I don’t and yes sadly no one on either side seems the least bit interested in dealing with the Saudis - nor any of the insane muslims - re Iran.

    Personally - one of the fastest, easiest and biggest boom to America to end our worst tie to the ME - would be Drill Here, Drill Now. Which is another thing Bush & the Repubs sold us out on - they could have/should have done within 24 hours of 9/11 - bet most of America would have been for it.

    And finally Bush sold us out on the Border - Deport ‘Em Now - save America from all those who do not have our best interest in their heart or they’d immigrate legally. But Bush and his best bud McAmnesty couldn’t be bothered with little homeland security issues like Sovereignty, Border security and making sure that no one was here illegally, over staying visas or meaning to do us harm.

    And if they would ever in DC wake up and do something about the Illegal problem - a serious portion of our crime, social service money/fraud, welfare fraud/increases, healthcare problems, and of course most important homeland security would be taken care of in an instant.

    Something that no one wants to talk about in the fringe media (formerly known as the msm) - the 2006 figures are in on those few raids that ICE did - the Illegals were sent home - and low and behold - those jobs went to Americans & in the one on the east coast - hundreds of Illegals also self-deported themselves in fear of more raids.

    As proven by Eisenhower back in the pre-tech days - Raid ‘Em, Deport ‘Em and They will Go and Not Come Back.

    Another thing Kennedy screwed up royally.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/18/2009  at  02:57 PM  

  8. There’s a whole LOT more to the “drill here, drill now” outrage than is being told.

    The same company that is a traitor to everything American for rectally violating all of us vis-a-vis the Saudi’s is the biggest helper to those that want to keep us from exploiting our own energy resources here - EXXONMOBIL.

    In addition to THE FACT that we have about 3 - 6 times as much oil INSIDE the US as Saudi Arabia has left (oil shale and deep pockets under Montana and the Dakota’s) we are the possessor of the world’s largest reserves of coal (the biggest target of green commies).

    Using the SAME technology employed by the Nazi’s during WWII, we have enough coal to supply all of the gasoline, diesel, and natural gas at today’s consumption for 250 years. Most of this coal is under Montana. I listened to a dissertation by the Democratic Governor Schweitzer on this subject on Beck a few years back.

    Guess who is opposing him? The Sierra Club. Guess whose paying for the lawyers for the Sierra Club? Exxonmobil and the Rockefeller family. Guess who is building coal gasification plants in China? Exxonmobil. They give money to stop coal and allow the Sierra Club to focus their other resources on stopping oil production as well.

    They are forcing us to keep paying money to the Saudi’s that gets funneled Islamofascist terrorists to kill us and our soldiers while helping China to economically conquer the world and making us poorer and increasing unemployment - especially in Montana where they could be having an economic boon that would make the 1849 San Francisco gold rush look tiny. Any wonder they’d like to secede from the union?

    We have enough energy in the country to last for any conceivable time into the future. 99% of it is kept off limits by a conspiracy of commie moonbats and one or two greedy huge companies who are vying for global monopolies - Exxonmobil and GE.

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   09/19/2009  at  11:40 AM  

  9. I am really getting to like this babylonandon person! I really tend to find much truth there, this ain’t tinfoil boys and girls. There’s quite probably much truth.
    Have you seen some of the in depth research that has been about the past and what really happened? Is he going to be proven correct 100 years from now? Hmmm.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   09/20/2009  at  04:31 AM  

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