Drawing and cupping and seating, oh my


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/24/2013 at 02:02 PM   
  1. Yep, thats one thing I never had to do was assembly line work,I’m just not wired to do that kind of thing. I prefer personal poverty of my own making.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/24/2013  at  10:07 PM  

  2. I’ve done it. Years worth, from kitting to open hearth work to vacuum forming to through-hole to pick ‘n pack to warehousing. Build those widgets, go go go!!

    If you have people at the line stations near you that you can stand it isn’t so bad. Your body soon learns what to do and hardens to the task. It’s the personal isolation that’s tough for many folks, because of the line noise and the need to constantly feed the beast. You don’t get to come in late, surf the net, send text messages, sneak off for a potty or a smoke, or even chat with people. You get to work. The line rules everything. So breaks become social necessities as well as rest periods.

    A lot of people prefer assembly line work, even in noisy factory environments. It’s not because they’re anti-social, or of lesser intelligence. It’s because you’ve trained your body to do the job, so your head can be off doing something else. Well, as long as you’re actually paying attention, and know how to handle the screw ups your station will generate. But beyond that, you’re getting paid to think your own thoughts. I’ve known line rats who wrote music in their heads all day, or novels. Others who did lots of critical thinking about their life situations and made better decisions. It’s hard to describe, but some line workers see it as a kind of freedom.

    Also, there is far less BS on the floor as there is in the office. All that toadying, PC, affirmative action, buzzword bingo bullshit goes right out the window. If you can’t feed the beast, you suck ass, goodbye.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/25/2013  at  02:15 AM  

  3. I have a 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser that gets fed nothing but Norma ammo and hand-loads made from new or used Norma brass. I suspect its the most accurate firearm I own.

    Norma has always been a bit pricey - but well worth it, IMHO.

    I’ve done kitting and small-lot prototype assembly in my youth, and you’re right - the mind is a million miles away while the body does the job automatically. There are certainly worse jobs…

    Posted by ooGcM taobmaetS    United States   05/25/2013  at  05:47 AM  

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