Don’t they ever learn?


and how amazingly convenient and coincidental: The NewsWeak cover shot managed to lay text over the original photo that mostly obscured the Blue Star flag on her wall that shows that she has a son serving in the Army. Uh huh, purely by chance.

See? Lightning rod! 

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 11/20/2009 at 09:06 AM   
  1. The FT. Bragg thing could be several issues (local msm not favorable to military right now, afraid that seeing thousands of military & families lining up for her would NOT be a photo op that the Obama Administration would want out there, fear of haranguing some poor soldier and/or family member over the horrors of so many deployments) and so forth.

    Plus - the military can do it - it is Federal Property and given we are in a time of war - they still possess that right. Plus with FT. Hood so fresh - any number of things could be behind it - even a local bomb threat that they don’t want to panic everyone about.

    You just never know. But of course the msm is going to pump it up as the evil military attempting to prevent their 1st Amendment rights - gag me.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/20/2009  at  05:04 PM  

  2. Hey back. Fogot the main thrust of this post - yeah right - as if 1) any of these freaks really watch FNC and 2) if I were to list the number of ‘file’ footage that is used by all of ‘em - and of course the creative editing used to downplay anything conservative and up play anything Obama - why I’d be at it all day.

    Always been that way, big harry deal - it is just that now - the basement dwellers on the Left have a chance to pretend to prove that the right isn’t as clean and squeaky as it ‘claims’ to be. Never have gotten it right - the Right just wants everyone to follow the rules and then kick to the curb those that don’t.

    The Left simply wants everyone on the Right to bow down to them, play fully by any rules that they institute (and be fined, perp walked, tried and humiliated and jailed and/or crawl away in disgrace but mostly never heard from again) and ignore when anyone on Left does a damn thing (and please don’t ever be so gauche as to mention it in public).

    Bunch of losers - it would be nice if Runners World - have that issue, just for the Palin pic - sues the pants off Newsweak - it would be just deserts.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/20/2009  at  05:16 PM  

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