Dems Dump Flags, Republicans Rescue Them


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/06/2008 at 11:54 PM   
  1. My first post on trashed flags was on 28 August and I have a follow-up today. I was drawn to the subject because my son asked during the dem. convention, “why no flags anywhere?” and I started wondering.

    Posted by Pal2Pal    United States   09/07/2008  at  02:47 AM  

  2. Throwing their flags away was more than an act of symbolism (even careless symbolism), and no one knows this better than themselves.

    That is why they are so hot about being called on it.  Truth never hurts unless it should!  They know what they are, and what they are about.

    Our job is to see that everyone else knows, too. 

    cool mad

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   09/07/2008  at  08:16 AM  

  3. You know Tannenberg - that is probably what is causing the Dems this much angst nowdays - think about it - they had the Goracle come out not only with a new religion - and one that they could bow down to and honor since it would be the basis of massive tax increases - but he made a documentary and won the Nobel Prize - only to have the the Internet expose his extravigant lifestyle (i.e. hypocrisy), that he used crappola (i.e. scences from Day After Tomorrow for ‘affect’)in the documentary and that there actually are credential scientists out there who are debunking it. Now their lies, distortions and vapid in the tank inability to fully vet Obama - are being torn asunder every single day - faster, easier and more profoundly than any of their vaulted msm could do to stop it or spin it - and they are losing votes, political offices and more importantly money because of it.

    Tell me at all that those flags swept up into garbage bags and/or even alone in garbage bags is not indicitive of the entire problem of the Left in America - to them it is just another prop. To us it is a symbol of our Country, our Freedom and our Rights.

    I’ve been to events where the flags were handed out - I kept them and they go up on Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Flag Day, and Veterans Day. These people don’t care enough to even return them neatly to a box - just dump and run.

    It was a vendor who discovered them in and around the dumpsters (not a Republican ‘supporter’) and he gave them to the Boy Scouts and Veterans who were assisting in cleanup. Yes even the Dems can’t be bothered to pay for cleaning up their mess - they rely on volunteers to do their dirty work - in every way and situation imaginable.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/07/2008  at  11:42 AM  

  4. Wardmama, the donks never pay for cleaning up their messes, especially the one in Washington.  That’s what serfs (beg pardon, taxpayers) are for.

    A pity if there is no video of the people fishing those flags out of the dumpsters.

    If that tawdry demagogue and his rat pack have their way, someone will have to fish us, and our country, out of the dumpsters of history.

    That is, if anyone cares to.  They may decide that we deserved it.

    I am not sure I could fault them in such a case.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   09/07/2008  at  12:48 PM  

  5. Seems like the dictionary definition of a freudian slip by the slick remould (London speak for a half caste!!). They are coming up against the saying “you can fool some of the people all the time” lucky the second part escapes them!!

    Posted by Chris Edwards    United Kingdom   09/07/2008  at  02:53 PM  

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