Dead_Goblin_Count += 1;


The two pistols pictured are both lightweight .38 revolvers. That’s a Smith & Wesson Airweight on the left, with pink grips. They make a very similar revolver on the same small frame called a LadySmith. On the right is the Pink Lady from Charter Arms, a much less expensive but still reliable gun.

Whether it’s BS or not, at least one of the dozens of online news articles about this shooting say how Meghan was such a terrible shot at the range and could barely pull the trigger of the gun. People, while feminine colors may be appealing to some and soften the scary idea of having a gun in the house, it’s more important that your bedside or purse pistol fit your hand properly and have a good trigger pull. You can always have the right gun painted or anodized later on to make it as girly as you want.

S&W pistols are famous for having good triggers, even the ones built on the tiny J frame like the one shown here. Personally, for a bedside gun I don’t think you can go wrong with the Ruger SP101. It weighs half a pound more than the super light revolvers shown here, and that weight absorbs recoil. They are built for smaller hands, but you can easily put bigger grips on them if you want. They will shoot .38 Special ammo just fine, but can also take the much more powerful .357 Magnum cartridges. The model with the 3” barrel is a bit big for a purse or pocket, but is just right for the nightstand drawer. And it makes a fantastic club should you run out of bullets. The trigger isn’t as world class perfect as the S&W, but better than most Taurus or Charter Arms revolvers, and 10 minutes work can make it just as good as the Smith. And it costs half what the S&W does.

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/23/2011 at 10:11 AM   
  1. it’s more important that your bedside or purse pistol fit your hand properly and have a good trigger pull

    Thus is why I have my Glock 21 & FN57 after much testing with various caliber and models - I just am the most comfortable with the Glock but it is a very heavy carry gun - which is why I went to the FN - I do not like my hubby’s Kimber Ultra carry - feels like it is exploding in my face.

    And while I pray that I never have to use any of the guns (on people) - I have noticed that just carrying has stopped me from the quiet, eyes to the ground mousy way I use to be in public - and that was worth the money & hassle we went through.

    And in the end - even for Ms Brown - the gun worked for what it was meant for - self-defense and when she needed to use it - she stepped up and did what she had to do. Pink pistol or not.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/23/2011  at  01:06 PM  

  2. Right on. Dare I say it? Searching for the right gun is an extensive shopping experience. Done properly it’s also an extensive shooting experience; you really should go to various ranges and try out those belonging to friends. Some ranges in some states also rent them for in-house use.

    I don’t know why the gun companies don’t have Try It, Buy It programs at shooting ranges, gun clubs, and gun shows. I’m certain there’s a way to make a bulletproof, soundproof, portable miniature gun range. Try our guns; we only charge you wholesale cost for the ammo you use, plus we offer a special 15% off coupon to first time buyers that we’ll honor from any gun shop. Naturally you’d pick out the ones that fit your hand and your budget before giving them a shoot. Everybody who is going to shoot gets the 5 minute safety video, and an instructor spends 2 minutes with them showing how to load, unload, hold and aim the things.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/23/2011  at  01:45 PM  

  3. I thought that was a Charter Arms. Both my wife and I have one. However, neither of us has a pink one. They are pretty decent 5 rnd .38s, suitable for concealed carry.

    I wanted a decent gun that suited both of us. No fumbling around with an unfamiliar his/her firearm when needed. Uses the same ammo. Plus, I trust revolvers over semi-autos. Just seems like there’s less that can go wrong with a revolver.

    Mind you, I’m talking home defense as in this instance. A good .38 revolver and a 12ga shotgun is my home defense arsenal.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/24/2011  at  07:45 PM  

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