Cuomo the idiot


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/19/2020 at 12:54 PM   
  1. There’s a meme on FB comparing a single black mother who ‘lied’ to get her child into a different school system, who got 5 years and Felicity Huffman who got 14 days for cheating to get her kid into a specific college. All these weeks later - turns out our single black mother got that sentence for selling crack, marijuana, human traffiking, offering prostitutes, and larceny for lying concerning enrolling her child in different school system. Leave out very important details to incite.

    Like the conflicting ccp Covid 19 information - these lies, distortions and intentional of situations is just as wrong and dangerous as the murder of George Floyd. Rinse, repeat and keep the mantra up until Election day. But it makes people on both sides of the aisle distrust the Media and the government. All tinder for a possible civil war. Or at least for continued divisive violence and riots.

    I also hate beyond words the mantra that we need vote-by-mail scheme. Where are these people worrying about and screeding about the needs for self-same people not being able to get to medical care or groceries? Why is it ONLY IMPOSSIBLE for them to get to the polls?

    And oh, btw - I doubt many, if any countries allow vote-by-mail at all. It’s just America that has a slave past, just America that is racist to the original sin core, just America that doesn’t give a crap about it’s poor. PS. the original ‘noble’ savages - had slaves (of all colors and races) long before evil white men arrived on it’s shores and continued long after the Civil War put an end to it. But then they were not legal Americans until 1924 - so what the hell did that matter at all.

    We are living through the destruction that an indoctrination instead of an education creates - an ignorant, irresponsible, lazy and violent under class that is only resentful and thinks that money and goods gotten via ill-gotten means is the only solution.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/20/2020  at  08:15 AM  

  2. And the OTHER noose story was fake too. Gosh, the ONLY black driver in NASCAR found a noose in his assigned garage!! Racists, white supremicists!!!

    Turns out it was a loop tied to the end of the garage door closing rope. Duh.
    And every garage is exactly like that.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/23/2020  at  08:36 PM  

  3. I figured it was crap - I’ve watched enough of F1, NASCAR and Indy car to know that the garages aren’t that easy to get into. And NASCAR? Really - started by bootleggers learning how to become the fastest drivers. Yeah. And that goes to all that is going on today - no one knows history, so they attack the utterly wrong people and incidents. Meanwhile the certain religion still traffiks women, slaves, burns people alive, hangs people for fun and games and throws gays off of roofs. Because they cut off the hands of thieves - during the Iraq-Iran war - they branded war ‘veterans’ who lost a hand - so that people wouldn’t think that they were thieves.

    Yet, America is the racist cess pool of the world. Saw an article that all this destruction and idiocracy is going to lead to Trump winning again. By a liberal. Some of them are waking up to reality. Hope it’s too damn little and too damn late to make a difference. I’ve always said - liberals can’t help themselves - they let it be known how they really feel, what they really want to do and eventually turn on their useful/paid idiots.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/24/2020  at  03:04 AM  

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