Cry My Beloved Country


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/04/2014 at 04:37 PM   
  1. I am so sad that America is descending into this morass of this pure and simple bs - those who demanded ‘tolerance’ - have none. Civil ‘rights’ has become the same intolerant crap. They are the same that they ‘complained’ and ‘protested’ about - and worse.

    Because they will use lies, distortions and (sadly) the State Run Media to destroy anyone not them.

    The feminazis are the same way - And look at our current Administration - made up of 60s/70s peace, love and kumbayah liars who were against ‘the man’ for being so damn rigid and unkind to those different from them and who ‘showered’ their cronies with ‘favors’.

    I’d like to ask Ms Her Royal Clinton - where that 6 BILLION went.
    I’d like to ask Eric Holder - why with a guilty plea - the NBPP members AREN’T in jail for voter intimidation.
    I’d like to ask (p)Resident Obama - who was paid/died to keep his original long form bc hidden or shredded, who was paid/died to keep his college records hidden or shredded, and what/when did he know about Pigford scam, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Solyndra, Light Squared, the PPACA, the IRS scandal, the AP Phone records scandal etc.

    These people are worse than anything I’ve seen in the past - as most of the crap they are doing is draining billions from those who were/are employed and saddling future generations with debt that is completely unnecessary.

    I am just stunned - that 51% of Americans haven’t already gone into the streets to defend and uphold the Constitution from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.

    Where is a good treason trial when we need one?

    We love Firefox and are NOT joining the Cult of Personality Pop Culture herd mentality to drop it because of CEO’s PERSONAL beliefs - I don’t even drop something simply because someone supports homosexual marriage - it is their RIGHT. When they bring it into their company business practices - that might be a game changer.

    This in-your-face change or be driven out of business is crap. It was crap in the past and it’s crap now.

    And someone’s gonna get hurt before this crap is over.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/05/2014  at  09:49 AM  

  2. This is what happens when you give special minorities Special rights others can’t possess. The abuse will multiply till the majority sees the minority for what is and what That is is Corruption in their sympathies. Fuck them All. This is no different than what the Nooslims are doing in Europe ,No Different. And just as damaging to their cause. They will learn to regret this move. Count on it.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   04/05/2014  at  11:57 AM  

  3. And the Fag-A-Thon continues....

    Posted by Macker    United States   04/06/2014  at  08:20 PM  

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