More Focused Today


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/05/2014 at 11:37 AM   
  1. So now there is a push to boycott Mozilla because of this Eich deal - damned if you do, damned if you don’t anymore.

    Aren’t these the same people who via Mcain-Feingold screwed with the finance campaign ‘reform’ (i.e. politic speak for f’d it up and then come down even harder with the next ‘fix’) - and so it went to the Supremes and they f’d it even more? Thus corporations became people - which is going to be a real mess as the Supremes now attempt to reverse themselves to force Hobby Lobby to knuckle under to Obamacare. Once again, damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    Now corporations are people, are not people - don’t have a right to freedom of Religion and/or the right to freedom of speech - unless it/they are the ‘chosen few’. Who knew?

    This kind of crap happens when you lie, distort and f with reality. 

    Banal amorality and corruption are the core of what is driving politics today - and it’s destroying America.

    So sad - as Reagan said - America is the beacon of freedom in the World today, if it goes down, there is no where in the World to flee for freedom.

    We are at that point. And when the takers/fakers reach 51% - who is going to keep paying their taxes to watch the rates skyrocket to 75% or greater - to pay layabouts who lie and cheat to ‘get theirs’? And then drive you from whatever employment you had when they get ‘power’.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/06/2014  at  01:44 PM  

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