Cross your fingers, hold your breath


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/06/2008 at 09:33 PM   
  1. Ah Drew - Yes it would and the final nail to insure American citizens would possibly re-think all the drivel they’ve heard since 2001 is securing OBL and Syria (seeing the handwriting on the proverbial wall) turns over all the WMD that Saddam’s regime carted over there before the invasion. . .

    But alas - I think Bush could heal all the evil, poverty and famine in the World and still be seen as evilbushitlerburtonco by the leftists, moonbats and anti-war mongers.

    Which means that history will indeed see him as one of America’s greatests Presidents. Too bad by then the freaks, fruitcakes and liars who maligned him for his entire Presidency will be long gone.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/07/2008  at  06:35 AM  

  2. And you heard all about this on CBS!?!? /sarc/ Indeed. Despite the lefties, we win.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   07/07/2008  at  09:16 AM  

  3. Oh HELL NO. Not on CBS. Or any MSM. Actually, Rancino sent me a link to the Strata-Sphere blog, and I followed the story from there to the Brit papers and beyond, then checked in with a few mil-blogs to assess the situation. Another reader, Carol, sent me news about the yellowcake story, and then I started putting some pieces together.

    Notice that the War News has shifted to Afghanistan almost completely in the past 2 months? Because that’s all the gloom ‘n doom they’ve got left.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/07/2008  at  10:54 AM  

  4. Drew. Did you not notice the “/sarc/” I put in there? Of course you didn’t hear of it on any MSM here. Slimy bastards need to be tried and executed as traitors.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   07/07/2008  at  01:32 PM  

  5. Of course I did. I was just reinforcing your point. This is the invisible story. Won’t it be interesting when the war is won, the troops are home, and there’s a parade down Broadway with all the New Yorkers looking around and going “what’s this all about then”? Then, when the story does finally leak out, the scumbag media will try to give the credit to Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

    If we are on the edge of a revolution, it should start with the media and the journalism schools. That may be all that’s really necessary.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/07/2008  at  03:09 PM  

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