Police sniffer dogs may wear bootees to avoid offending Muslims


I think the PC crowd here as in the USA wants to be all things to all ppl. Well it doesn’t work too well and only offends even more.
If some folks have a problem with dogs on religious grounds in a dog loving country, then they need to go elsewhere.

Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 07/06/2008 at 09:04 AM   
  1. I’m okay with the concept, but I think people (probably including the people MAKING the statement) are missing the key phrase in said concept:

    “Where possible the police will take cultural sensitivities into account, PROVIDING THIS DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL POLICING.”

    To me, that says yes, we’ll buy the booties *if* our department can afford them. Yes, we’ll train the dogs to put up with them *if* we have the time and the budget. Yes, we’ll put them on the dogs before running a dog through a Muslim’s house *if* the situation is non-urgent enough to allow for it.

    If one or more of those things does not happen, well guess what? We’ll still run the dog through your house. And no, we won’t apologize for it, and no, you won’t have the right to sue or get the case thrown out if we don’t. And you can get over that or not, but whether or not you succeed in getting over that is not going to be a source of concern to us. Why? Because “non-discriminatory policing” DOES NOT mean, nor even imply, “cultural sensitivity”. It means, quite plainly, that effective policing trumps EVERYTHING in our jobs, that we don’t CARE what your religion is, and that your only choices are to a) deal with it, b) accept a lack of police protection and with it the idea that anyone, anytime, can commit any crime against you and you will have no recourse, or c) you can move to another country.

    No 4th choice. Tough.

    P.S. If the dog comes through your house and happens to sit down while he’s there, the booties aren’t going to help, are they? Guess it sucks to be you. We are most certainly NOT going to allow the chances (or even the reality) to cause it to suck to be US.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   07/06/2008  at  09:54 AM  

  2. Actually, it is even simpler that GOF says…

    Don’t be involved in activities that require police dogs.

    How much simpler can you get? Don’t like dogs? Don’t do anything that would require dogs to be called in.

    It really is simple.

    It’s even Christian. In Christianity, we have an edict that says avoid even the appearance of evil. Hence, no dogs need be called. Assuming you’ve avoided even the appearance of evil.

    Under Islam, Islam calls for evil to be done to non-believers. Islam calls for non-Muslims to be murdered. Dogs are needed.

    Ergo, dogs are ‘unclean’ to Islamofascists. Dogs show Muslims to be murderers. Death to dogs.

    Where is PETA when they’re needed?

    Posted by Christopher    United States   07/06/2008  at  01:15 PM  

  3. Madness, if the ragheads stopped blowing crap up and threatening to behead people then maybe the police would not need to take police dogs into their mosques and homes looking for explosives.

    Posted by fidothedog    United Kingdom   07/06/2008  at  02:40 PM  

  4. I think we should look at it from the other end. Screw the offended raggies; I don’t want the poor dogs to come in contact with muzz-cooties. And just to drive the point home, I’d give the dogs a bath, right out on the sidewalk, as soon as they left the mosques.

    Now, if I was a good Brit, I’d make sure to walk my dogs past these places every day. Or leave little presents behind. I’m hoping this turns into the proverbial straw, and that a huge counter-movement starts up. Next thing ya know the muzzies will be offended over cheese. Or fish ‘n chips. Or a nicely pulled pint down at your local. Oh wait, they’re already offended over that one. Good.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/06/2008  at  09:25 PM  

  5. Oh, Peiper, you have the power to lock this post on top if you want to. It’s all right in front of you, if you look at your posting tools and explore just a bit.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/06/2008  at  09:26 PM  

  6. I agree with you peiper, I don’t think the cops (or any branch of government, for that matter) should *have to* make nice to any group. Notice the string of “ifs”. In the same way, if a Christian is in court taking the oath, and considers the King James Version of the Bible to be an overdone political pamphlet and propaganda for the __________ Church, not the actual “Word of God” at all, and is insulted by having people treat it as such.... well hey, I’m willing to let the guy put his hand on whatever version of the Bible suits his fancy.... *provided* I can find the version he believes in somewhere on hand. If not… well, sucks to be you. The court accepts swearing on THIS version to be a valid oath, and will hold you to it as such.
    Do Jews swear on the Bible in court? I honestly don’t know, but I’m willing to swap for something more suitable *if it’s convenient*. And that’s the point. “If it’s convenient.” The cops and the courts decide if it’s convenient, the accused does NOT.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   07/07/2008  at  06:06 AM  

  7. I’m offended by having to be up early in the morning, but if I go to jail I bet they aren’t gonna wait breakfast on me.


    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   07/07/2008  at  06:07 AM  

  8. I think it is a great idea having the dogs wear booties everytime they have to go through any muslim areas.  Just like the police officer wearing his boots. tThis will save the dog from stepping in anything where these filthy muslims are.  Lord knows how discusting and filthy muslims are and we need to take positvie steps to protect our working K9’s.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   07/07/2008  at  09:47 AM  

  9. Well, my comment was a bit on the sarcastic side, sdkar, so don’t take it too literally. BUT I do believe in a good counter offensive. (pun intended!) If these people are going to get bent out of shape over the slightest little thing - and that becomes news!!! - then, like a “typical white person” I think it’s time we lived up to the accusations we’ve already been found guilty of.

    Hey, my local grocery store is now selling halal meat. I’m offended. Personally I don’t care how the stuff is processed to get that label, but the bits of meat in the case look like roadkill to me. It’s ugly brown bloody meat, just lumps of dead flesh, not pretty steaks looking all yummy. Therefore it’s my “right” to find this offensive, and complain about it, and not buy any of the meat located anywhere near it.

    Although to give my local store credit where credit is due, somehow the little halal section seems to be surrounded by the kosher meat display.  LOL LOL

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/07/2008  at  11:01 AM  

  10. I have an idea. This is sure to offend Muslims. That’s a plus to me.

    My neighbor has a pig. A Vietnamese pig. It’s a pet. It can smell anything a dog can smell.

    How about we use pigs instead of dogs? Or would that be more offensive?

    Posted by Christopher    United States   07/07/2008  at  03:01 PM  

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