
Posted by Drew458    United States   on 11/20/2008 at 07:34 PM   
  1. Who is this twat? Perhaps I should point him in this chaps direction?

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   11/20/2008  at  08:43 PM  

  2. well............these trolls are good for a touch of humor but they do grow old quick. F off and die! or move there would be better....maybe they will play nice and mail your head home to family..........®

    Posted by Rancino    United States   11/20/2008  at  10:13 PM  

  3. Yupo, he’s a total twat rattle. Pure metrosexual socialist Canadian wiener. And of course he has his facts totally wrong - the Somali pirates haven’t killed anybody yet, and nobody is calling them bloodthirsty AT ALL. So his entire hissy fit is BS, as is his inability to differentiate between a humorous minor annual activity and the real thing. Plus ... well, I’ll leave his grasp of history to the more expert readers here, but I think he’s off base. We romanticized Errol Flynn. Real pirates were a menace. Privateers were Ok when they behaved, but they didn’t always. It’s a gray line. And those were very rough times. But a ride at Disneyland and a couple of silly Johnny Depp flicks does not a cultural viewpoint make.

    But I’m still cracking up over the “transgressive pottery” bit. Look, it’s a soup bowl designed to be offensive! It’s ART !!!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/21/2008  at  12:00 AM  

  4. I looked up “transgressive pottery”. Sounds like he makes ceramic tatas. Every 14 year old boy I ever knew (whether he had any artistic talent or not) could either draw or sculpt a boob and/or a male organ. Whoop de do. Bet this joker lives on government grants.

    Posted by Punkins    United States   11/21/2008  at  12:36 AM  

  5. And here I am wondering if I had time in the next few days to do a historical backtrack of every vile act committed by a socialist, tree hugger, and of course the true geographical gaffees of anyone left - then I realized I don’t have enough time in the rest of my life and ‘transgressive potter’ Krane wouldn’t get it - even if I did it.

    I also was going to use the Every Idiot is a Liberal but every Liberal isn’t an Idiot - or wait is that Every Liberal is an Idiot but every Idiot isn’t a Liberal? Yeah, that’s it.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/21/2008  at  07:05 AM  

  6. Nice Fisking gang. I’ll just go back to watching my fresh paint dry,Bye

    Posted by Rich K    United States   11/21/2008  at  02:28 PM  

  7. What Pseudo-Intellectual claptrap.

    The man is clearly TRYING to sound smarter then he is, and this is apparent by the faulty logic, poor facts, and overly-complicated vocabulary all combining to say a great load of nothing.

    So the Somalian pirates have families? Well, I can’t say I wouldn’t entirely be unmoved in a few cases, BUT the fact is that, over the course of four decades, we the West had to hew down millions of Germans, Russians, Chinese, Turks, and Japanese in order to preserve Democratic-Republicanism.

    You can’t make anything without cracking eggs.

    As for the sugar-coating of “our” pirates, there is a point there, but he misses a greater one: their opponents DID regard them as the low-living scrounge they were. In addition, those low-living swine DID do amazing things, and WERE NOT trying to destroy our very way of life (they were too hedonistic).

    Talk Like A Pirate Day? And the valid point is?

    As for finding Somalia on a map, I can.


    And I can also give a detailed history of the country from Ahmed Gragin’s invasion of Ethiopia in the Renaissance.

    Can he?

    As for the “Sensitivity” towards the Somalian community, this would make sense if Somalis were being lynched over what their blood brothers are doing. To my knowledge, they haven’t been.

    As for the root issues? Has this person every studied the Barbary States? Their root causes was to take the Holy War onto the High Seas. And this is the same here, in most cases.

    ‘Nuff Said.

    the Somali pirates haven’t killed anybody yet, and nobody is calling them bloodthirsty AT ALL

    Actually, Drew, I am. Because, even if they never hurt a flea directly, they ARE killing people. Why?

    Guess where those funds go.

    That’s right: To the scumbag warlords like our dear late friend Adid. So they are indirectly responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   11/22/2008  at  03:25 AM  

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