Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/30/2009 at 01:24 PM   
  1. Didnt Qubec kill a Richardson due to poor equiptment last year? I would guess the healthcare here (free, except for what is not and insurance for that is C$200 per month,thank you! It is reasonable to suppose that if I was allowed to keep the tax dollars that support the OHIP system and added the $200 a month to it we could be insured and better served to the south (leaving out the contribution that car insurance makes) I am told it works well usually in Ontario, this might be as it is provincially run so there is some competition from next door (if not directly there are handy yard sticks) in the USA it will work like all oversized government run projects and will be badly run, overstaffed with non productive admin, hugely inefficient and will fail.
    Peiper is fortunate to live in a wealthy and somewhat sparsely populated part of England, it is poor in Cornwall and overwhelmed in poor populated areas, it is failing.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   08/30/2009  at  09:39 PM  

  2. Interesting that both articles I have seen recently that were critical of Canadian healthcare chose Montreal as their location. I think it would be better to have some perspective from other Provinces. The healthcare as I understand it here in British Columbia get a lot of people grumbling but is fairly good. Alberta is also supposed to be pretty good. However as Chris says whenever you let the government take control it generally screws it up. Don’t even get me started on the Provincial government run motor insurance here in BC.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   08/31/2009  at  12:03 AM  

  3. Every province in Canada has their own health care system.  We have 10 provinces, 3 territories.

    There is no unifying Canadian Health Care System (as everyone in the world seems to like pointing to a system that doesn’t technically exist.) Yes, the Federal government transfers funds earmarked for health care to the provinces, but the Provinces rule their own roost with regards to expenditures, and quality of health care provided.

    Obviously, Quebec has “issues.” (And people wonder why I never go there...)

    It’s a mish-mash hodge-podge series of systems, meaning we don’t get one monolithic example of over-budget, under-performing government morass, we get 10 to 13 of the freaking things, all trying to be their own little fiefdoms.

    As to the story itself:  Unless you’re at death’s door, don’t expect fast service, and even then, I wouldn’t.  Think happy-happy/joy-joy thoughts brought on by endorphins (because we’ll make you wait hours for any decent pain meds that are stronger than a Tylenol-3).  Good luck while you bleed out, citizen.

    I just hope that when I go, it’s sudden and doesn’t involve the meddling of the meat magicians in our hospitals.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   08/31/2009  at  06:32 AM  

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Previous entry: HEALTH CARE. UK vs USA. UK free, even for those who CAN PAY. How nice.

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