Christian Europe’s lost its courage - and its future.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/31/2015 at 08:09 AM   
  1. In the blink of an eye,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Poof!

    Posted by Rich K    United States   08/31/2015  at  01:10 PM  

  2. Why are white people so damned suicidal?  You don’t see the heathen Chinese going “Ah shit, we’ve been China for 6,000 years now, let’s just give it up and let Mongolia take over” do you? And India is still vigorously India, even if they have 6,000 different cultures all going at the same time. That’s their way! Even the great polyglot cultures down in South America, screwed up and corrupt they may be, are still eager to retain their sense of identity. But not us dumfbuck YTs. Oh no. We merely invented the modern world and the greatest richest and free-ist civilizations in history, so let’s flush it all down the crapper and give it to the wogs and schwugs. WTF people, WTF.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/31/2015  at  05:26 PM  

  3. Drew, damn good question but no logical answer.
    I’ve banged on for how long now that the west in general just will not defend and protect itself.
    Abd btw, just why is it that suicide for reasons other than bad health, is suicide so high among very young white girls? I can not count the times I have picked up a paper, and these days it isn’t even front page news, but that some 12 yer old white girl has hung herself or cut her wrists or threw herself into a river. I’m serious. It was not too long ago, that two white teens of 15, held hands and threw themselves off a bridge.
    Others were bullied at school or a boyfriend left them. I have read about only one young black girl who topped herself due to a boyfriend who shot video of them going at it, and then thought it was cool to share the video with friends. She was so shamed she did a jumper from a 4ht floor window. It is really sad that any young kid or young adult would do these things. And 99% of them are white.

    Other euro countries are now trying to stem the tide while politicians are trying not to be seen as ...  racists.  Heaven forbid.

    I have heard and I have read interviews with illegals and when you listen, they are speaking as tho they have every right to invade Europe. The numbers are staggering, and a few countries are now beginning (too late) to question the mostly German inspired treaty whereby there are no longer any borders between EU member states. Britain didn’t sign on to that one thank heaven, but things still pretty bad. I can’t remember the name of the treaty and couldn’t spell it if I could.  LyndonB once gave us a very clear explaination
    of it.

    Bottom line as always .... they are doomed and I’m not trying to be funny.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   08/31/2015  at  06:17 PM  

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