Choose Or Lose


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/17/2007 at 12:29 PM   
  1. I hope that Reagan is wrong - if the Republicans start with a litmus test - then indeed they are becoming just as ‘election’ driven as the Dems. Someone needs to wake the RNC up and get their act together. They already are there with all the spending they’ve done lately and crawling closer with turning on the President and contemptable votes (like 17 RHINOs on that evil House vote).

    I do however, disagree - the Dems have a litmus test. Prior to 2001, it was their abortion uber alles platform. Since it vacillated between embryonic stem cell research (you know the possible, promising future answer to all conditions pathetic - maybe) and of course the evil Bushitlerburtonco Iraq Civil War of Endless Occupation.

    Because if they ran on their tax hikes, universalhealthcareforillegalsfirst, illegals first-then no border, welfare, entitlement and oh by the way tax payers will finance every crackpot scheme and scam we can think of - while we sink our money offshore, overseas and finance terrorism (gotta keep the ‘stupid masses’ scared so they vote for us to protect them) - they’d never win an election for dog catcher much less POTUS.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/17/2007  at  02:25 PM  

  2. Sorry Mikey, but this dog don’t hunt.

    Guiliani is not a solid conservative at all. And yeah, to more than half the population a pro-2A stance is damned important. What part of “shall not be infringed” don’t you understand?

    Romney I don’t know much about. Yet. But he was governor of Taxatwoshits, one of the worst states we have for nanny-statism, insane gun laws, weak judges, etc. Gee, he must have been a REAL effective conservative if he couldn’t change that state’s direction or even slow them down.

    The GOP conservative base isn’t thin at all. We just want one real conservative on the ticket. We don’t want a pretender. We don’t want a RINO. We know that your dad supported every candidate and incumbent with an (R) after his/her name, and Bush2 does the same, but that blind loyalty is foolish - witness the wonderboy from PA.

    I’ll go so far as to let the abortion issue slide for now. Right or wrong, its been the law for 35+ years now. The only thing a candidate should push for is that this is a state’s rights issue; if each state voted then Roe wouldn’t be needed. But I want a candidate who will step up - and act up, not just spout empty rhetoric - on the other planks in the platform. And if these planks aren’t there, then get them laid down right quick:

    Shrink the government. Don’t balance the budget, actually spend less than you take in, to pay down the debt. Eliminate departments that should not exist, like DOE. Lower taxes permanently. Increase personal freedom. Establish some kind of judical/legal review to get rid of unconstitutional laws and bad decisions from the Supremes (eg McCain/Fiengold, Kelo v New London). Cut back on the overregulation of business. Get the crooks out of DC. Secure the borders and work on getting the illegals out of here. Defeat our enemies resoundingly. Open up real free trade, not the one way NAFTA/CAFTA that is bleeding America dry. Subvert the tyrants and commies around the world. In other words, Man Up and get the job done.

    Promise and deliver on these, and I don’t care what your religion is, what your skin tone is, homo/hetero, or what your sex is. None of that really matters; what matters is leading the country in the right direction.

    What we need is a New Republican Revolution. Back in the day under Newt it worked, but that day is gone and that bunch lost its way. Time for a new crop.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/17/2007  at  02:41 PM  

  3. How about a new Republican election slogan: Keep the Whore out!!!

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   02/18/2007  at  08:15 AM  

  4. Promise and deliver on these, and I don’t care what your religion is, what your skin tone is, homo/hetero, or what your sex is. None of that really matters; what matters is leading the country in the right direction.

    I take one and only one exception to this: that candidate must NEVER be a Muslim. They are Muslims first and Americans last.
    Islam delenda est.

    Posted by Macker    United States   02/18/2007  at  11:35 AM  

  5. Have to agree with Macker on his last point, otherwise I agree with Drew except for one addition - Term Limits. The positions used to be called Public Servants. And there was a reason, to serve the American people. Now it is one political position (local) to another (state) to another (National) for life.

    I’d also like to have the American people be able to vote their pay raises - don’t know many who get to set their own pay raises. And I’d like to see them docked (I’ll even give them a break - % every 10 votes missed) for all the times they don’t turn up on important votes.

    Hopefully the Republicans will pull together and look to America, rather than keep pandering to politics as usual.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/18/2007  at  01:39 PM  

  6. Newt, just run will you please!

    Posted by MD4FRED    United States   02/19/2007  at  04:18 PM  

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