Cheeseburger In Paradise


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 06/24/2006 at 10:57 AM   
  1. Isn’t it a bit hypocritical to go on a Hunger Strike (ok hunger basehit) after ordering the killing?

    Just wondering - let’s see - we went over the berm 21 March 2003; ole Saddam wasn’t ferretted out of his hidey hole until 13 December 2003 by my lousy math calculations that’s 267 days of stolen mres, lentils, bread or whatever camel meat he could scrounch up. . .

    No wonder he only missed lunch, probably did it ‘cuz the screws served ham sandwichs that day.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/24/2006  at  11:18 AM  

  2. Hey, hey, hey have you heard the latest utterence from Saddam - he knows he’s going to face the Death Sentence but thinks that the US will FREE him to be PRESIDENT again - because he is the only one who can control Iraq!!!!!!!!Talk about a looney tunes - I just wish that the American Soldiers could build the gallows in the center of Baghdad and hang the moron and then yell - Next.

    Maybe if all the liberal whinners of the world would shut up for two f***** minutes - it would end this jihadist garbage once and for all.

    I beginning to think that my first reaction on 11 Sept 2001 - just after the second plane flew into the WTC - ‘nuke ‘em til they glow’ should have been the US reaction after all - had I known that the cowards, turncoats and liberal liars would turn this into a ‘warm and fuzzy’ war - I’d have written the White House and insisted on it.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/25/2006  at  01:24 PM  

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