building a nanny state, one kiddie at a time. one classroom at a time.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/29/2014 at 05:56 AM   
  1. Headmistress Caroline Holliday said: ‘This healthy-eating campaign has been driven and implemented by our children themselves.’

    Back in the day (when my children were in child care centers and school) - I had two incidents that convinced me - that federal gov bureaucrats involved in anything involving children is a huge mistake (and that ignores my ‘required’ tenure in a Head Start center - which was just one of the reasons I stopped pursuing a social worker career)

    While living at Ft Ord CA - our children periodically were in the child care center. We went round and round with our oldest who was not ‘potty training’ according to the sheeple conformist ‘time table’. I willingly provided diapers, the heaviest weight ‘training’ pants and extra clothing. It got to the point - that the center would not accept him because he was not potty trained and they ‘claimed’ it was in the ‘rules’. I simply asked my Unit Rep at the next center board meeting - to ask if indeed a maximum age for potty training was in the ‘rules’. Needless to say - the proverbial bad stuff hit the fan. How dare a mere LTs wife confront the powers that be. Big mess and we were ‘asked’ to not use the center. Not happening - as ‘big surprise’ my mere LT was now on the HQ staff! So they backed down on that real quick. We were long gone from CA - when we found out - the reason he had such trouble potty training is that he had a physical disability - which tends to correct itself during puberty.

    The second incident - also in this same child care center - was with the next child. When she turned 6 months and we started adding real food in her diet - she developed signs of food allergies. So I included a list of foods she could not eat, jars of food she could eat and extra clothes. Once again - they just served her what ever they ‘cooked’ that day and she would spew and get welts (which just makes allergies worse). Once again - the mere LTs wife went up against the powers that be. They said that we needed a Drs note - it’s in the ‘rules’. The problem is that all the docs (at the time) just kept telling me that people - can’t be allergic to food! Hey peanuts, seafood anyone - and they call themselves doctors. More bs, more big mess.

    As we were getting ready to leave Ft Ord - I was told that this particular child care was THE MODEL for all public child care centers.

    Fast forward a bit - and the child care center at Ft Hood - dropped oatmeal in their breakfast plan - because the kids would not eat it! How is that for children determining the healthy eating bs?

    I told you, I was in social work in college as my career plan - the way ‘child care centers’ - got into the culture is a study done on existing child care centers in the late 60s and early 70s - because of the ‘results’ on the children provided with such care. They were just so advanced, healthy and doing great - this one study became the basis for infants and pre-school children - had a major flaw. Back then Child care centers were connected to major Universities in the Child Development programs - and a requirement of usage of the child care centers - was that the parent in the program - worked in the center in their child’s room. In other words - daily in most cases but at least 3 times a week - this parent interacted with their child while in the center.

    Liberals and their ignorant and lie based research and junk science - combined with pc policing are going to get us killed. And ruin our lives and families in the process.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/29/2014  at  08:26 AM  

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