Britain’s voodoo killers. Warning. This isn’t a pleasant read.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/18/2012 at 09:43 AM   
  1. Horrible.
    Sometimes I feel that people who believes all cultures are equal should be exorcised of their demons by people from the cultures written about in this article.
    Or is that too harsh?

    Posted by Amidoinitright    United States   08/18/2012  at  12:22 PM  

  2. Its really hard to enjoy my cornflakes when you post morning fare like this Peiper.This mess reads like a Stephen King book.Gross.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   08/18/2012  at  01:16 PM  

  3. The UK’s colonies are coming home to roost.

    I suspect this type of violence will continue to esculate as the African & Middle-Eastern hoards continue to descend on a once idellic land.

    I can see a vialble solution other than emmigrate asap.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   08/19/2012  at  04:06 AM  

  4. Sub-humans - let’s get the terms correct. Animals kill each other to defend a mate/herd, a territory and a food source - and they might just might kill another’s young to promote their genetic pool - they don’t kill for imagined ‘demons’ or ‘honor’ and certainly not their own young - intentionally. THESE are the ignorant, inbred, bitter, clingers (to 3rd Century ignornant crappola) that Obama warns about - being forced upon decent people by a bunch of un-accountable politicos. The US is close behind.

    It is a shame that the death penalty is seen as barbaric and backward (tee hee hee)- these type of people (evidenced by the fact that it takes so long to discover their crimes) know exactly what they are doing, are protected (to a degree) by their ‘community’ and should be deported (at least) or put to death.

    But alas - it is NOT Christianity - so WE must ‘respect’ their ‘religion’ - and in the future when WE do something they don’t like - we will become their victim.

    Because we can’t judge anyone - who is not white or Christian - and WE are the evil people for saying that this is wrong.

    God Help Us All.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/19/2012  at  06:18 AM  

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