Boom Boom


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/18/2010 at 02:39 PM   
  1. I can see you dancing that Happy Dance Drew and giggling like a child locked in a candy store. Ah to be 20 again and just entering the service huh.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/19/2010  at  03:33 AM  

  2. A bit of an exaggeration, but only a bit.

    Yeah, I want our guys to have the best stuff anybody can dream up, and plenty of it. And as long as the cost isn’t insanely unreasonable, I’m all for it. But even more than having a full ration of Grade A stuff, I want them to have the ROE to use it as necessary to get the job done, and done right, so that they can all come home.

    And being able to dream like an engineer, I want to see this system hooked up to those motion awareness systems like we have on tanks - and ships too I’d guess - so that this will work on the go. Always safer to shoot while moving, but it’s pointless to do so if you can’t hit what you’re aiming at.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/19/2010  at  07:20 AM  

  3. Well I am so glad to have someone actually reporting on the GWOT. My son is headed over there (soon). I like Michael Yon - he and Pat Dollard but their money where their mouths are - be nice to see the msm do that once in a while - we’d see some real journalism again.

    But then the msm has never, ever cared for the military - other than what kind of smear headline they can concoct.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/19/2010  at  07:23 AM  

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