The U.S. must not ‘occupy’ Haiti, declares French minister.  wtf? Huh?


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/18/2010 at 11:40 AM   
  1. The last thing I want is the US in Haiti. We’ve been doing that for nearly 100 years anyway. The place is a small slice of Hell, always has been, always will be. Send them a few dozen ships full of food, water, and tents, then go home. Let Haiti solve Haiti’s problems for once.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/18/2010  at  01:26 PM  

  2. Yes OCM, they are different. Hatred and violence run deep. Look into their history a bit. Independence was formed by a slave revolt, then a short lived peace with France. Their first leader was betrayed by post-revolutionary France in the true spirit of liberty. Their next leader tried to bring back slavery in all but name. The people killed him. For the next 100+ years it was one tyrant after another, one bloodbath after another, until the country was little more than mud and rocks. The US sent in the Marines for 20 years and tried to teach the people how to self-govern and how to better themselves, but as soon as we left the place went back to rack and ruin. Papa Doc and then Baby Doc. Clinton sent the military back there in the mid 80’s to put a lid on things. That helped, but only for a short time. Can democracy survive in an area that has known only violence, hatred, corruption, self-created poverty, and tyranny for over 200 years? Stay tuned.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/18/2010  at  03:53 PM  

  3. Who would want Haiti? They don’t have anything to offer to whatever country were to take them over.

    Posted by Nicole    United States   01/18/2010  at  09:37 PM  

  4. I’ve been giving some small thought to posting a libtard rant from the Times. Might have to think 2wice.  Some editorial writer to the surprise of nobody, is already blaming ...
    wanna guess ?  Aid isn’t getting through and in enough numbers. Right. And the fault is where? The Taliban ... The Greeks ... Manchester United Football ... America ...

    There will be a test later.

    Damn I always seem to end up in a perpetual state of PO’d!

    Then someone else wrote some nasty things about that radical right wing dangerous racist shock jock ... our RUSH.  Of all ppl.  He tells the truth minus kid gloves and he’s a shock jock filled with hate.  PO’d again!

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/19/2010  at  07:19 AM  

  5. Once again - America damned if you do and damned if you don’t - and here I thought Dear Leader was going to change all that nasty World opinion with all his made-up hope. I can’t wait to see how Gibbs sidesteps this one - which indeed will make today very, very interesting - the (now supposed to be lovin’ us World, accusing us of ‘occupation’) and of course the Lie-beral Lions ‘seat’ going to an R. And I have to bet that Dear Leaders numbers are going to go down again this week. Not a good week at all.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/19/2010  at  07:29 AM  

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