Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/12/2011 at 01:27 PM   
  1. Check out The Big O’s budget chart at Michelle Malkin - you have to blow the damn thing up 20 times (I think that was it) just to see his ‘cuts’ portion that he agreed to.

    POS may he rot in hell - but I’m about to consider a good Treason trial. This is getting old - but hey, when they are almost in the cat bird seat - the spineless GOP is about to cave to politics as usual - and did you see the CPAC ‘possible GOP candidates’ list - I am so damn sick and tired of Newt, Paul and Romney.

    No wonder this crap continues on - the same players just different names.

    God Help America

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/12/2011  at  03:48 PM  

  2. The link is here,
    Basically, in a real life scenario, this is like the guy who throws his change in a jar to pay for his bungalow and second car.. Actually, more like the guy taking the change he picks up off the sidewalk and socking it away for them because the change that goes into the jar is already slotted to pay for his next Porsche.
    It is getting, if you will excuse the profanity, a fucking load of steaming bull crap in the middle of your living-room. It is easy to see, but no one wants to do anything with it, and no one is going to get rid of the bull that left it because he does the dishes. Poorly, but they get done.. sometimes.
    Everyone in America makes X amount of money every year. We try to spend less than X. If we get a mortgage or car loan, we must make sure that the payments fall into the limits designated by the number that is X. If we break the limits that are designated by X, we lose the nice home and car that we financed and lose credit score (Which itself is a load of horse shit, but I digress) and have a harder time buying a new house or car.
    This simple rule of economics works for everyone, from the kid at McDonald’s to Bill Gates. If you spend more money than you have, or can get, you go broke.

    Someone needs to send Washington to economics 101…

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   02/13/2011  at  04:22 AM  

  3. You guys hit it - great comment - ‘no one is going to get rid of the bull that left it because he does the dishes. Poorly,but they get done. . .sometimes.’

    Apt description of The Big O - and sadly GWB during his last term.

    -’Someone needs to send Washington to economics 101’- NO

    I approach the illegal immigration/border with a - if they had one day - announced before in all zillion languages of the World (starting of course in Mexican) - Tomorrow the border will be covered by snipers with shoot to kill orders, proceeding North will be at your own risk and an implied acceptance by you of your willingness to risk your life. Those who are not killed will be deported. . . It would stop this crap - of course if they even bothered to ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS, it would be a big help too.

    The same applies in DC - Start the Treason trials - this is intentional destruction of the American way of life by violating the Constitution and intentionally escalating the problem not even bothering to address it.

    The crapweasels in DC are cowards (it’s why they are politicians so they can learn the tricks to avoid the very laws they inflict on their fellow citizens - tell me how that is any damn different than a dictator?!?) and a lot will cave once they realize Americans are tired of their crap.

    Try ‘em, storm the halls of Congress - We The People need to take back America now, before it is too late.

    And like petulant teenagers with a Iphone and a gold card - they do not understand if the system starts collapsing - AIN’T NO ONE GITTIN’ THEIR MOTHER’S DAY CHECK. AT. ALL. EVER AGAIN!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/13/2011  at  07:51 AM  

  4. I just realized that my last statement is incorrect. This bunch knows exactly what it is doing and why - to systematically destroy America as fast as it can - and the spineless, gutless GOP are helping them do it.

    I weep for America and hope that they rot in hell.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/14/2011  at  08:17 AM  

  5. Let’s talk real kitchen table budgeting…

    When one of us says ‘NO’ it doesn’t happen.

    There’s some hard feelings at times, but we do manage to to agree to disagree, and screw each other into accepting ‘NO’.

    Because, if I don’t say ‘NO’ now on not buying the yacht, she’ll say ‘NO’ later on other economically scarce resources… tongue laugh

    Posted by Christopher    United States   02/15/2011  at  06:56 PM  

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