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Posted by The Navigator    United States   on 06/13/2007 at 09:57 PM   
  1. To say that California “restricts” the right to carry is a modest euphemism.  In most of the state, you just will not get a carry permit unless you’re someone like Diane Feinstein.  Gawd, I love the elitists.

    I’m with you Navigator, you never know when, but it’s a good safety item to keep around.  Some years ago, in the aftermath of a divorce (read flat broke) I was living in a pretty rough part of L.A. and used to get home from work about 11:30 at night.  Yes I carried, even though I didn’t have a permit.  Yes, I wound up using the piece to control a situation with a would be mugger.  I had no interest in killing anyone, but I did have an interest in getting home in one piece.  Had I not been armed, I would have been another statistic, possibly a dead one.  Since I was armed, the mugger left to find a softer target and I went home to feed my cat and go to sleep.  For me, the choice was between the possibility of getting caught with a concealed weapon by the police (very slight) and the possibility of having to confront a goblin (very high in that neighborhood).

    Why do liberals and progressives fail to understand that without the right of self defense and the means to carry that out, you have no other rights?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   06/14/2007  at  04:36 AM  

  2. New Jersey is the same as California: unless you’re someone “important” you will never ever get a CCW. And you need a firearms ID card to buy any kind of weapon - bows and arrows, slingshots, BB guns, etc.

    And then they have that idiot law about hollowpoint bullets: you can own them, you can shoot them, but you can’t use them self-defense - because some idiot decided that they’re designed to kill people.

    Just the other day the NJ Assembly passed a bill that limits law abiding citizens from purchasing more than one pistol per month. Isn’t that special?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/14/2007  at  11:07 AM  

  3. Two of the few arguments that The Ol’ Lady and I have EVERY year are when she asks me if I am going to her family reunions in Illinois and Arkansas.  You’d think after 14 years she’d know what I’m gonna say…

    “Sorry, no.  I refuse to spend any money in a state that violates my constitutional rights, and I refuse to go unarmed.  Tell your family to come to Missouri, and I’m there.”

    Posted by MOMinuteman    United States   06/14/2007  at  12:57 PM  

  4. I once tried to talk the sheriff of Contra Costa county (CA) into giving me a CWP.  I wasn’t an important person and the stated purpose of being able to defend myself wasn’t good enough.  So much for CA.  The latest silliness by the voters of San Francisco regarding firearms and ammo was almost enough to make me fall down laughing, but it was too serious a blow to sensible thought to be funny.

    Thanks to “anonymous” for the Kansas tip.  I did use the url and read up on their slight allowance.  It’s a good beginning, but they (and almost everyone else) still have a long way to go.

    It seems the people of New Jersey have elected some moonbats to govern them and make their laws.  Likewise for the the people of Massachusetts.  What kind of people elect the Feinsteins and Schumers?

    And as for MO, I’ll carry when there.  I get to St. Louis from time to time.  It took a long time for the law to be enacted there.  My compliments to Blunt and the legislature that passed it.  I heard that there was a referendum which turned down the law, mostly due to the twits in the St. Louis metro area.

    Posted by The Navigator    United States   06/14/2007  at  05:21 PM  

  5. Slightly off topic - but we finally were able to make it to the range to shoot the new gun we got (celebrated Save the 2nd Amendment day by purchasing a Glock). I am so happy (never have shot a handgun) to have done well - never missed the target at all! Hubby was impressed that I did as well as I did (believe me I was so relieved I didn’t embarrass myself) - it’s been almost 20 years since the last time I shot.

    Also read that the NRA is going to try to strengthen the shoot in self defense laws here in OH - the local DA is great about it - won’t prosecute.

    I hate this ‘progressives’ who are attempting to take every single right away from us, while foisting fake ‘rights’ and their incumbent expenses upon us. These socialists need to be run out of town - fast.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/14/2007  at  09:30 PM  

  6. Nebraska passed a right to carry law back in 2006, it raised quite a stink here in Lincoln.  The university is here, so it’s a lot bluer than the rest of the state.  I still don’t know how we’ve managed to elect 2 democrat mayors in a row.
    NRA Facts Sheet

    Posted by Elliott    United States   06/14/2007  at  11:04 PM  

  7. I am very much in favor of concealed carry. I would be in favor of a mandatory requirement for monthly familiarization or annual qualification as well since the purpose of the right to keep and bear arms is a well regulated militia.

    Posted by Jeremy    United States   06/15/2007  at  08:40 AM  

  8. Just to clarify, I mean familiarization or qualification for everyone. I don’t care how liberal you are, or how much you oppose guns, you go to the range and pop a few.
    I feel that if a person is able to qualify they should not need to familiarize monthly, but if they can’t qualify, they need the practice to remain proficient.
    Heck, I burn about 500 rounds a month. My wife, a gun hater when I married her goes out and shoots now too.
    Her fear of guns comes from having been shot in the head as a child, an injury that has left her blind in one eye.

    Posted by Jeremy    United States   06/15/2007  at  08:44 AM  

  9. Jeremy - we are trying to get our youngest to the range with us - won’t go. She equates guns with killing and we are trying to go from a learning, experience, life lesson angle. Not the killing aspect. We talked a lot about it yesterday.

    Now my daughter runs rings around me in computers and working the internet and cell phones - but she won’t cook and as I said, whines that she never wants to go to the range. And I have pushed and tried and pushed and tried. . .but she did turn to the light late in hs - Thank God - Michael Moore’s crockumentary Fakenheit 911 did it. So I guess we will just take baby steps with her.

    Any of you have/know where to go to get info on disabled people and guns/or defense? My son lost all fingers (down to first metacarpal) and thumb on his left hand and fingertips on right hand combined with minor (compared to the old treatments) some constriction of movement - from burns. I’d like to encourage him to learn to defend himself, but he is really quite vulnerable and I’m not seeing many options.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/15/2007  at  11:08 AM  

  10. Wardmama,


    2 thoughts - Start your daughter with a book called Zen and the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel(sp?).  The proper use of weapons is also about self control and in this case it’s a form of meditation.  When I’m working with a target pistol (High Standard Victor - my fav) it’s very much a meditation for me.  When my head is right, my shooting is right.  For you son, Taurus makes a very nice and small 9 shot, .22 caliber revolver that he may be able to deal with, it’s small, light and accurate.  If a dealer near you has one, it might be worth checking out.  I have one and it’s only drawback is that I get a lot of misfires when I try to use it in double action mode.  In single action, it’s 100% reliable and very accurate.

    Good Luck

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   06/15/2007  at  01:51 PM  

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