B-52 Tantrum Time


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/26/2012 at 02:11 PM   
  1. That’s the only thing those savages understand - force and violence.

    He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That’s the Chicago way...

    Now if we could just elect someone with enough balls to put that policy into place.

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   02/26/2012  at  04:06 PM  

  2. Agreed CCT,

    The only solution to dealing with rabid animals is to kill them ALL.

    Let’s take a lesson from the 2001 “hoof and mouth” epidemic in England and Ireland.

    Any animal infected or NOT was slaughtered and their bodies burnt.

    Well, my friends, ALL the Mooslimes are infected or subject to the infection and it’s time to start fighting the disease by eliminating the carriers or potential carriers.

    America has 1,500 nukes. And Obama wants to lower that number drastically. So why not carry out his plan by dropping a couple of hundred on Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and a couple other terrorist incubators.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   02/27/2012  at  01:44 AM  

  3. OOP’s double post. I tried to correct a typo (CCT to CTT) before the message hit, but as usual, I was kicked in the ass by the computer!

    Sorry CTT.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   02/27/2012  at  01:47 AM  

  4. These guys have a 7th Century sense of logic, he who sheds the most blood wins.

    The Islamists know this.  The whole Arab world knows it.

    In Syria, the only thing keeping the rebels resisting at all is outside intervention.  I understand that it only consists of weapons and supplies so far, but you know more is coming if it isn’t already happening under the radar.  Obama has already announced that we’re going to start some kind of aerial campaign to help the rebels.

    Look at the history of the entire Islamic world.  Look up the origin of “Black September”.  One September, the Palestinians tried an armed revolt against the King of Jordan.  There were 20,000 reported dead.  The King had peace from then on.

    To paraphrase the Koran; When you’re getting your ass hammered, negotiate for peace.  The follow on to this is of course, plot behind the victor’s back until you’re ready to strike, but call for peace first.

    The bottom line is then that you have to periodically demonstrate your superiority by killing a few hundred here and there.  Saddam Husein had no significant threats to his dictatorship until Bush Jr. invaded.

    If instead of a nicey nice apology we’d said:  “Fuck you.  Those books were being used to pass secret messages so we destroyed them.”, you wouldn’t be hearing all this b.s. Islamic rage. 

    I generally don’t like to use major violence, but this is one case where it would be completely appropriate.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/27/2012  at  04:50 AM  

  5. I agree with you all and simply add - to those in this country (or any other still civilized country) assimilate or go home!

    Drew -

    but Ron Paul’s idea of foreign policy is looking better every day. Isolationist

    - be very careful. His ‘policy’ is non-intervention not isolationist - as was pointed out to me, very nicely, by a Paulist on YouTube! He told me, that until I know the difference I was not credible. Since you also see Paul as an Isolationist - I don’t think that I was that wrong with my assessment. Or maybe it was that I said Paul would be as bad as Wilson - since Paul passed off his double payments for trips, as everyone does it DC; and his being for Term Limits while having served 18 years, as I’m not for voluntary term limits - I feel that I hit it right on the head, Paul would be as damaging as Wilson.

    These ‘holy’ books were being used to pass secrets, codes and plans for whatever the next terroristic event these 3rd century sub-humans are cooking up in their free time of being detained forever because no one in America has the guts to try them and fry them.

    If burning their ‘holy’ books evokes such nonsense - Imagine what a trial and execution will evoke.

    I still go back to my first thought as I saw the first pictures from the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001 - Nuke ‘em till they glow

    It would have saved a lot of time and the blood of a lot of fine young American men & women. Only failure of Bush - and imagine, if you will - how Iraq would have gone, after that lil’ opener!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/27/2012  at  08:18 AM  

  6. You are all correct in every detail and all well said.
    BUT ... all of you also know it isn’t gonna happen.
    Which leaves us just where? And what will the future be like?
    Keep in mind as well, that as each year passes, 3rd century or 21st, the enemy is learning and becoming better at killing easy targets. Altho a failure, who among us would ever have dreamed up the idea of making a bomb out of shoes, or the very material used in underwear?
    Only pure dumb luck prevented multiple murders.

    However, all that said, I’ll climb back on my hobby horse yet again and just mention it in passing.  America’s (leftist) 5th column. The libs who are so well organized and so well financed and can make noise out of all proportion to their numbers. Which btw are not small.
    The human rights industry with their HQs in foreign countries but who operate openly in the USA.  It all counts friends. They are not growing weaker.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/27/2012  at  12:11 PM  

  7. OOP’s double post. I tried to correct a typo (CCT to CTT) before the message hit, but as usual, I was kicked in the ass by the computer!

    I deleted the duplicate for you Yankee.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   02/27/2012  at  03:23 PM  

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