Another idiot voice heard from re.Pink is bad.  Update on previous story but remains stupid.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/07/2009 at 11:03 AM   
  1. These assholes won’t be happy until they’ve banned everything good and enjoyable from the world, and everyone is miserable all the time.  Kinda like the Taliban come to think of it…

    Birds of a feather…

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   12/07/2009  at  08:54 PM  

  2. In Soviet Britain, good child units should be given the traditional People’s Tractor Play set with the waving Soviet flag, Tovarisch, made with finest wood blocs.

    This kind of stuff stinks on ice. They are trying to rip the innocence from children slowly. It’s a rule of nature, little girls like pink, normally. Even goth girls wear black with pink accents. Stupid liberals.


    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   12/08/2009  at  12:55 AM  

  3. Only six months to go and comrade Brownstainovich and 75% of the scumbag marxists that make up the nuLabour sewer rat party will be out of a job. Happy days!

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   12/08/2009  at  01:01 AM  

  4. Scary thought Lyndon.  Tory numbers declining. What happens if there’s a deadlock here?
    Or it has to go into Parliament? I’ve been seeing as few headlines to that effect but not sure I understand what they are saying.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/08/2009  at  11:26 AM  

  5. What happens if there’s a deadlock? Well it’s called a hung parliament (no sniggering at the back Drew) The problem for the Conservatives is they have an inbuilt disadvantage. Labour, same as the dummycraps in the US, tends to appeal to the minorities, those on welfare and the working class. They tend to live in the cities. Labour just like the dummycraps is also big on postal voter fraud.

    Which reminds me this is how easy postal voter fraud is. I want to exercise my voting rights even though I live in Canada. So I sent in the form. They wrote back to say I couldnominate a proxy but I needed someone with a British passport to verify who I am. Well I only know one person here with a Brit passport but that has expired. Doesn’t mean she isn’t British any more of course, but i was worried they wouldn’t accept this. Well I wrote and explained the situation. They wrote back to say that was fine since they don’t bother checking the counter signature anyway????? Of course since many of Labour’s core support comes from the turd world where such voter fraud is a way of life they have taken full advantage of the system.

    The way the boundaries are drawn up tends to favour the Labour party. Add to this Labour started out with a huge majority. So to be able to form a government the Tories will need in the order of a 10% lead over the sewer party. The recent poll where the sewer party appeared to close the gap has been dismissed as not being a large survey. Comrade Brownstainovich has attempted to play the “Tory toffs” card which they used last year in a bye election which went horribly wrong for them.

    The problem though for the Tories is basically that they are seen as being more of the same. They also chickened out over Europe and Lisbon and I fear this will cost them a lot of support. It has certainly cost them my vote. Will this be enough to result in a hung parliament? I doubt it. I still think the media underestimates the hatred people have for the sewer party and the economy in Britain is a long way from being fixed. I doubt they will be able to bribe enough people this time around to vote for them but I suspect it will be only a slim majority for the Conservatives. Never theless I am hoping for a lot of Labour scalps such as that maggot Ed Balls and hopefully his wife too, Jacqui Smith, Phil Woolarse etc. etc. It will be great to see these clowns get their marching orders.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   12/08/2009  at  12:00 PM  

  6. and don’t forget harperson

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/09/2009  at  10:34 AM  

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