And now for something completely different….


Posted by Severa    United States   on 11/07/2007 at 08:03 PM   
  1. Practical reality rules.  I learned a long time ago that if I used a stringent test on a candidate’s positions that I couldn’t vote for anyone.  I’d say Mr. Robertson has made his decision on what he considers an electable candidate who is the least bad of the alternatives. 

    Never forget, if it wasn’t for Ross Perot splitting the Republican/Conservative vote, Bill Clinton would be nothing more than the former Governor of Arkansas.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/07/2007  at  07:45 PM  

  2. And if it wasn’t for Rudy splitting the Republican vote, Hillary would be nothing more than the wife of a former President who tried to buy her a Senate seat through earmarks and pardons.

    I am a bit surprised at this too. If anything I would have figured he’s support Huckabee the Baptist minister. So my guess as to why is ... follow the money.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/07/2007  at  08:30 PM  

  3. hmmmm.......least bad or follow the $$$ ???
    $$$$$$ wins every time..besides, he will only bring half his flock at best, and
    it’s gonna be a looong race w/all kinds of surprises/world events to come into play yet.

    Posted by Rancino    United States   11/07/2007  at  08:54 PM  

  4. "And if it wasn’t for Rudy splitting the Republican vote...”

    Nope.  Gulliani’s prostate cancer flared up in the middle of the campaign and he had to bow out.  His replacement wasn’t well-known outside of his congressional district and Bill bought enough votes for her to roll over him. 

    What worries me about the Clintons is that they have always been the luckiets SOBs in politics.  Between 1980 snd 1990 Bubba only faced token GOP opposition in his reelction campaigns.  In 1992, had Perot not flipped out on Larry King Live GHWB probably would have beaten Bill Clinton handily.  Had Rudy’s cancer not sidelined him Hillary would be running as a private citizen today.  TIme and time again they’ve been saved by external forces that saved them from their mistakes.+

    Posted by Orion    United States   11/07/2007  at  09:53 PM  

  5. Beacuse Pat knows that a Clinton back in office would be a disaster.

    Posted by gdonovan    United States   11/08/2007  at  05:52 AM  

  6. I agree with Drew - sadly American politics has come down to follow the money. . .

    But to say with a straight face (and if Giuliani is the RNC candidate, I’ll vote for him over any and all DNC comers) that Giuliani is a conservative and a good Catholic - proves beyond a doubt that something fishy is going on.

    And yes - if you cover all issues - no one could vote for any candidate - I just wish the RNC would not offer these RHINOs and Demlites and just put up a real conservative and then stand behind him.

    And yes, I’d vote for a woman - but a Condolezza Rice or Margaret Thatcher - not a Hillary Clinton. A woman of strength, value and substance - not a woman who would sell her soul for the POTUS - because when she steps into Hell - she will take America down with her.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/08/2007  at  09:39 AM  

  7. Well, whatever the reason, it’s going to be a boost in one respect… The car-bombers at CAIR have gone ballistic!  Wheeee! 

    “In announcing his endorsement of Giuliani, Robertson referred to the “bloodlust of Islamic terrorists.”

    “It is truly disturbing that a presidential candidate of any party would accept the endorsement and seek the advice of a person with such a clear record of anti-Muslim bigotry,” said CAIR National Legislative Director Corey Saylor. ”

    Posted by heldmyw    United States   11/08/2007  at  11:59 AM  

  8. The bloodlust of the Irish terrorists who blew up bombs in Harrods, during a parade in London, who murdered civilians in Ireland and England, who tried to kill Thatcher with a massive bomb and actually killed some aides and other pols is pretty apparent. As a decendant of the Old Sod, I think I am not indulging in anti-Irish bigotry to point it out. Muslims in CAIR are petulant children who moan and cry when they don’t get thier way. Unfortunately, they are like children standing in a room soaked with gasoline and holding a lighter ready to flick it.

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   11/08/2007  at  02:25 PM  

  9. You know someone asked me - exactly what ‘strength’ and ‘leadership’ has he shown toward terrorism? I mean he did step up after 9/11 - but damn he was just a mayor. And he certainly didn’t - fight back in any way. And isn’t NYC basically a Sanctury City?

    Just asking because I think he has little to offer other than a R behind his name and the msm (and a lot of pundits) think he can beat Hillary.

    Isn’t that how the Dems chose candidates - not on values, issues and beliefs?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/08/2007  at  04:57 PM  

  10. Its the fight for the middle folks. Conservative Christian voters who fail to vote for the strongest Republican candidate are in effect voting for the Democrat. Robertson is being pragmatic here. Four years of Rudy is way better than four to eight years of anybody from the other side.

    The country is at war on many levels. Our physical and financial security are in jeopardy. While social issues are important, not putting forward the candidate most capable of beating Hillary is just plain short sighted.

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   11/08/2007  at  05:44 PM  

  11. Sometimes strength and leadership can be as little as standing up and saying “we’re gonna win”.  The examples I can think of immediately are Roosevelt, Churchill, GWB and Giuliani.  Think about it, what did Churchill do with his speeches, especially “blood, sweat & tears”?  What did Roosevelt do with his fireside chats?  Would they have been better leaders if they’d waded ashore on D Day?

    Both Giuliani and Bush were given high marks for standing up in the ruins of 9/11 and saying that there we were all together as one and that we weren’t going to be defeated.  In truth, the real heroes of 9/11 were the passengers who fought back and the Fire and Police of N.Y. who gave their lives in the saving as many lives as possible at the towers before they collapsed.

    Here’s the final question:  Giuliani the RINO or the Hildebeast?  It’s a no brainer.  Imagine living under the rule of Queen Hillary the First.  I don’t particularly care for Giuliani (gun control & immigration for starters) , but I’m not seeing anyone with a real chance who is significantly better.  Fred Thompson, maybe, if he can get some fire into his campaign.  Even with Thompson, I’ve got come grave misgivings and concerns about how good he’d actually be.  The lesser of two evils may still be evil, but it’s better than the other one.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/08/2007  at  08:10 PM  

  12. For me it works like this:  When the primary rolls around I’ll vote for the candidate I feel most comfortable with.  But come election day I’ll crawl over broken glass to vote for the candidaate LEAST likely to put a Democrat in the White House.  None of the Republicans running are Ronald Reagan.  But all of the Democrats running are little better than Al Capone and their camp followers are probably worse.  Back when Bubba first took office we all sniggered at how long it took him to fill his appointments.  Part of it was that most of his supporters couldn’t pass an FBI background check.  Hell, some of Hillary’s supporters set off alarms when they let themselves be fingerprinted.  The Democrat Party has become little more than a criminal enterprise whose primary goal is to get its sticky fingers in the Treasury.  I don’t worry so much about the moonbats; they’re just the dog soldiers.  The real danger to America is letting their masters get their hands on the reins of power.

    Posted by Orion    United States   11/08/2007  at  10:32 PM  

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