Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/02/2009 at 11:28 AM   
  1. Here is the stupidity of such laws - people like us can’t afford to buy a new home (unless we win the Lottery, probably never - unless it is about the size of a mobile home - which makes it worthless and useless to us). So instead of using the funds - paid to these insane inspectors to helping people like us make our older homes handicap accessible - they waste it on making new homes for people who don’t need it handicap accessible. Typical idiotic liberal mentality.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/03/2009  at  10:28 AM  

  2. And that isn’t all over here Wardmom.

    About two yrs ago the wife of education comrade chairman, ed balls, a woman who has NEVER done anything successful govt wise, was appointed to some comrade committee or board or something I can’t remember at this moment.
    Anyway ... she came up with: H.I.P.s Home Information Packs.

    Controversially, on the June 1st 2007, new legislation was supposed to be introduced by Parliament in England and Wales named Home Information Packs or H.I.P.S as an abbreviation. This was then delays to the 1st August. In line with EU directive 2002/91/EC, which ultimately will be a Pan-European law, it is designed to help to make residential properties more energy efficient and friendly to the environment.

    To simplify its objective, it is similar to the triple AAA ratings given to white goods such as freezers, fridges, washing machine, dishwashers and tumble dryers. At a glance, a potential buyer of your property can tell energy consumption and efficiency of the building.

    14th December 2007:
    All homes sold in the UK now need to apply for HIPs before going to market and need a full assessment available before sale.

    If you want to sell your house after this date, you cannot avoid HIPS if you decide to sell your residential home through conventional methods such as estate agents or UK property portals.

    I should blog the whole thing. Anyway ... please NOTICE the tie in ti EU.
    Sooooo ... as explained yesterday to a real estate agent here to value this place for probate lawyer ... when we go to get an HIP, they have to make a copy of deed and papers relating to house.  WHY?  We have deed. All papers going back to 1923.  If they want a copy we can make em one.  NO. They have to do it. Of course. So they can charge us.
    THEN ... a recently trained (haha) rep comes to your house and inspects to see how energy wise it is. They will count your light bulbs too and see if they’re green yadda yadda.
    All of this for any potential buy so they can see what they are buying.
    What a waste.  Anyone can see this OLD place which has had not too much in the way of updates, has 1923 insulation, which means none original as they didn’t have much then,
    they will see blackened walls in outer utility area where the washer dryer are, the black walls in the downstairs loo, the cracked walls and ceiling and water spots and the exposed pipes and the electronics inside the house from which the gas and electric company come into your house to read the meters ...... anyone can see that plain as day without a $200 plus HIP.

    A Home Info Pack may be good for one year. If you do not sell the house within that time the HIP EXPIRES and you do it ALL OVER AGAIN. AND PAY AGAIN!!!

    God I HATE this stupid place more every day even as I admire their past. No wonder Lyndon and Chris left.  And if Lyndon reads this I know he can add to it .

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/05/2009  at  09:27 AM  

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