

Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 08/26/2005 at 08:31 AM   
  1. Build two walls or fences, patrol them, shoot to kill, leave the bodies as an example for others and keep the door open to legal immigration.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/26/2005  at  12:56 PM  

  2. All I know is that if you look quickly at the passenger side door you can see an image of a topless Christy Brinkley looking back over her shoulder at you.


    Posted by Fine Old Cannibal    United States   08/26/2005  at  01:59 PM  

  3. Here is a good one.  Arrest illegal aliens for being - “ILLEGAL”. snake

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   08/26/2005  at  02:22 PM  

  4. Revandryn - You say that like they’re two seperate groups, with a distinct line between them.

    A great many of the bleeding hearts are bleeding crocodile blood, to bend a metaphor.  They themselves are some of the “criminales.”

    All I know is, when over half the crime is related to illegals or smuggling of some kind (often both, ie drug/person smuggling rings), something has to be done.

    I’d get behind totally sealing the areas between the LEGAL border crossings, while leaving the LEGAL crossings themselves open.

    I’ve put this idea forth before.  Seal the border.  Anyone caught trying to illegally cross will be banned from ever entering the US again, legal or otherwise.  Those illegals already in the US will be given six months to leave, with an amnesty of sorts - leave now, and we’ll “forget” that you ever were illegal.  Now come here legally, or stay home.  After the six months are up, any illegals caught will be blacklisted and deported, same as those caught at the border.  Bill Mexico (or whatever country Joe Illegal came from) for the deportation.

    I live along the border.  Drugs, human smuggling, and yes, even child slavery/prostitution exists.  The topless bars got real mad a year or two back when the local feds cracked down on them.  A couple got shut for good for having 12-14 year old girls on stage.  Worse are those who sell those girls’ “services” after hours - sure, it’s illegal as hell, but they try it anyway.
    And don’t get me started on the drugs.  I’ve seen too many folks whose brains are fried by crack to be sympathetic on that front.  Sure, I don’t think they’re within the Constitutional jurisdiction of the feds - but I’d vote for an amendment to ban the damn stuff, or to grant the feds specific jurisdiction in this limited area.  (OCM, I don’t mean the pot.  Pot is about the same as booze to me - I don’t like it, but can tolerate it.)
    As for the slavery… Some of the coyotes (person-smugglers) act as “work pimps” - they interact with the English-speakers, they conduct the business, and they keep their “stable” in line with the threat of turning them loose to the INS.  Anyone ever seen Matewan?  Yeah, the work pimps are sorta like that - do what I tell you, or I cut you loose.  Oh, and you don’t have the resources or the language to get by here.
    The illegals themselves, while not always innocent, are often taken advantage of.  The child prostitution, as mentioned, is part of it.  So are the work pimps.  But the coyotes have their hands in drugs, as well.  When you hear of the Border Patrol finding bushels of drugs in the middle of the desert, I’d bet it was dropped by illegals who spooked and ran, goaded by their coyote’s playing on their fears of the INS.  Illegals are often used this way - part of their “fee” to the coyote for getting them in-country is to act as a runner for his drug trade.  The illegal never sees the money generated from the drugs though - he just plays pack mule, and convenient scapegoat.

    Ever wonder why Vicente Fox refuses to admit the problem?  I’d bet the drug mafia hates him enough already; he doesn’t have a death wish.  I just wish I knew why Dubya won’t do anything…

    Stop the illegal immigration, and you’ll progress leaps and bounds in the “War on Terror,” the “War on Drugs,” and the “War on Poverty,” all in one fell swoop.

    Posted by JSThane    United States   08/27/2005  at  02:37 AM  

  5. Except for California, don’t most border states have concealed-carry laws? Just shoot ‘em.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   08/28/2005  at  04:44 PM  

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