almost done


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/09/2015 at 02:57 PM   
  1. I’m sure all the deadbeats and welfare queens are celebrating another sucker paying for their livelyhood. You go American Taxpayer, till death and taxes do us part.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/09/2015  at  05:29 PM  

  2. Rich’s comment is exactly the reason I have been (slightly) ok with none of us working (full time/at all) during the reign of terror known as Obama. At least we are getting the majority of our withholding back and not funding much of this corrupt economy - either through taxes - or major shopping.

    Hubby back in school - so maybe he can pull out a job at the end of this disaster. We shall see.

    Here I worried about what Obama was going to do after the election and the DNC lost - obviously he doesn’t give a damn and has just done what he damn well pleased - I am just so shocked that no one in the GOP is standing up to this crap - at all.

    How frickin long has Gowdy been ‘investigating’ Benghazi? How long has this criminal Clinton email bs been going on? And the almost instant back track of the PP horror - is just stunning - because they could shut the naysayers up with throwing their ‘Obama lagacy’ back in their smug faces - We don’t NEED PP anymore thanks to Obamacare.

    But they sit on their hands, take their bribes from the zillionaire donors (who are funneling it off of profits - like a damn penny anyone in politics or media spends is their own damn hard earned (gag, gag, gag) money) and just pretend like they see no evil, hear no evil and certainly won’t ever speak no evil.

    I’d wish that Iran would drop their nuke on DC - it would be a giant step forward to fixing America - but no they will attempt to wipe out little ole Israel and then move forward to all the ‘refugees’ and ‘migrants’ now installed around the World into jihad that will make WWIII - look downright easy.

    Because our corrupt politicos have been smuggling, funneling and secretly supporting this crappola for decades. Against the Constitution, against American beliefs and most importantly against the American people.

    It didn’t start with Obama - I only hope for the sake of America and the future of the Civilized World - it stops with him.

    Our only hope is the complete traitors, turncoats and down right corrupt idiots that the DNC is promoting as their candidates. It makes me worried that Obama has a horror waiting for us sometime in the 30 to 60 days prior to the election - which ‘forces’ him to suspend the election.

    Of course that is just if the world isn’t already at war over Iran’s bombing someone, everyone not them.

    BTW, have you seen White House Down - love (//sarc off//) the back message that the black prez is the sane and right one - who pulled us out of the ‘endless’ war, which caused the uprising/disaster that is the ME - and the ones attempting to stop this idocracy are the lunatics and corrupt military-industrial profiteering bad guys.

    God - for the old America and American ideals - to still be alive, well and promoted any where in public.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/10/2015  at  08:22 AM  

  3. Careful WM, you keep thinking like that and I may drag you into Galts Gulch Myself.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/10/2015  at  06:55 PM  

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