Air strikes, something the West does well


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 07/20/2006 at 06:59 PM   
  1. let us hope that democracy prevails in Iraq, that our massive aid is actually appreciated by the Middle East, that diplomacy ultimately works with Iran, that Syria quits supporting terrorists, and that Hamas and Hezbollah cease their rocket attacks against Israel

    Fat chance.  Ahmadinnerjacket and his friends gotta go before he has a nuke, not after he ships it somewhere for a likeminded nutbag to detonate, but that won’t happen.
    Western civilization will continue to equivocate, two steps forward, one-and one-half steps back, wring hands, advocate talking, the peace process, drop some bombs, talk about talking, proportional force, blah blah blah....

    A hundred years ago, the throat cutters and woman beaters could wander in the desert and squat in their decrepit cities without presenting much danger to the civilized world; now, with their serendipitous wealth and the near universal availability of modern communications and transportation, they can easily project their venomous religion and barbaric practices around the world.  They are doing just that and they surely will continue.

    I fear a near genocidal slaughter of the jihadis and their imams, much as Jordan did in Black September, is the only way to stop them, which will not happen until they inflict at least one tragedy of monstrous proportions on the West or Israel.

    Posted by dick    United States   07/20/2006  at  07:39 PM  

  2. I’ve always said that Dr.Victor Hanson is someone to pay attention to. He is the first site I hit when I get on the internet. A very wise man.
    Another guy to pay close attention to is Dr. David Yeagley at  Both of these guys have an acute sense of what the hell is going on from a conservative academic view point. Listen to these guys, it will do you good.

    Posted by LC Geno    United States   07/20/2006  at  08:47 PM  

  3. Isn’t Hanson eloquent? He takes 16 paragraphs to say “Nuke ‘em!”

    There is no middle ground for us here. There is no partial fix, no roadmap, no treaty that can be trusted. Why is this a surprise to anybody? The jihadists have espoused an absolutist position for decades. Why can’t people listen to what they are saying? Is some kind of underlying Western prejudice - “yeah, they SAY that, but they’re just uneducated sand lice, so they don’t really mean that. It’s just their style of rhetoric.”? Um, no. They’re being totally forthright and crystal clear about their intentions, and their actions are directly in line with their words.

    Nobody wants to say that all-out war, us vs. them with no quarter given, is the only choice left. I’m out of patience. Let’s call it the Fifth Crusade and get it done.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/21/2006  at  08:46 AM  

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