afghanistan progress causes MSM to go into “TET offensive” mode


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/10/2008 at 06:24 PM   
  1. Bah, it’s the ~PRESS~ they can do no wronag, and have privileges not conferred upon us MERE mortals.
    Anyway, good news is NOT good for ratings. Look at the MAJOR stories in the “news”
    Iraq in trouble, Katrina, murder, mayhem, atrocities, Government maleficence, sex scandals (as long as it’s on the correct side of the aisle, and you can guess which) and anything which shows the foibles of humanity.
    If any good news is related, it is relegated to the 2 minute human interest segment at the end of the show.

    If there is no actual bad news, they will try their best, through theatrics or down-right lying, to make a story out of nothing. The New Reporter is a Drama Llama. They feed on drama and the dark side of life, it’s one of the first things they learn in “journalism” school.
    Good news will not make you a Pulitzer prize, or get you a job with one of the BIG papers, or a major news outlet. They teach pessimism, cynicism and Liberalism.

    Bah. Enough of that

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   04/11/2008  at  01:08 AM  

  2. While there is not a single word of this I disagree with, there is one point I wanted to make.

    I’m an unashamed old hippie. Actually my sone tells people I’m a young hippie, as young as it’s possible to be (will turn 50 in a few weeks) and still be part of the age group that originally called themselves that.
    Yep, I’m a hippie. Also a libertarian who thinks every adult should have the option to arm themselves *however they see fit up to and including full auto, main battle tanks and attack helicopters*, did 6 years in the US Navy, has no patience with socialists, considers abortion to be killing babies but military service not to be, has voted Republican much more often than not all his adult life. The few times I have done otherwise have been when there was a Libertarian with a shot at winning, or the Democrat was noticeably less corrupt than the Republican. Needless to say, those occasions don’t come up often. And last but not least, I am VERY proud of my son who just joined the Navy himself and will ship out to boot camp in a month or so.

    Have I mentioned that I seem to have tremendous difficulty fitting into anyone’s probability curve? I always seem to be the guy out on the far end.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   04/11/2008  at  07:26 AM  

  3. Oh and one more thing: A hippie whose eyes teared up with pride when he saw the photo of 3 old Navy Chiefs in full dress guarding the doors of the recruiting station in Berkeley. There are few things in this world I am as proud of as feeling that I have the right to refer to a US Marine by the title “shipmate.”

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   04/11/2008  at  07:30 AM  

  4. GoF, you’re the damnest hippie I ever heard of. I bet you even bathe, have a job, and get the occasional haircut.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/11/2008  at  12:09 PM  

  5. Well.... I gotta admit, the haircut is VERY occasional, but that’s not a fashion thing. It’s a by-product of having started going bald when I was a 15 year old sophomore in high school. I’ll tell you as I have told several others:

    My hair looks stupid. It has looked stupid all my adult life, regardless of what I’ve done with it, how often, or how much money I’ve spent. Say for the sake of argument that a haircut costs $10 (I haven’t seen it that cheap for years, but no matter). Say for the sake of argument that you normally get a haircut every 2 weeks. So over the course of 5 years, if I worried about “good grooming”, I would spend $1200, and would still have ugly, stupid looking hair EVERY SINGLE DAY of that 5 years.

    Explain to me again what the point of spending the money is?

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   04/12/2008  at  02:05 AM  

  6. I’m old enough to remember the rash of bumper stickers that said “Question Authority”, and young enough to have appreciated the response bumper sticker I saw in the 90s: “Don’t Question Authority, they don’t know either!”

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   04/12/2008  at  03:05 AM  

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