A Progressive’s Journey


The Neo-Neocon tells of her journey from Liberal to Conservative

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/20/2008 at 08:51 AM   
  1. I can well understand her journey, especially the problems with “liberal” friends. 

    As time went on, the beliefs that I considered liberal were more and more taken over by people who called themselves conservatives.  At the same time, people who called themselves “liberal” (Tom Hayden’s early political career in Santa Monica makes a good example) seemed to go out of their to limit the freedoms enjoyed by those around them.  My beliefs haven’t changed much, but my affiliations have.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/20/2008  at  08:07 PM  

  2. Yeah, that. As Rush put it many years ago, Kennedy was considered a liberal in his day. And yet his ideas, words and policies were very close to those of Ronald Reagan, the conservative liberals love to hate almost as much as W.
    The major point where her history disagrees with mine (other than her being a NY yankee and my moving all over the country) was that by the time I came of age I had heard not only what the media had to say, but had heard the personal stories of several returning veterans. The result was that instead of trusting the media to expose a corrupt government that had lied to us all, I realized at 14 that both the government and the media had no qualms about lying to anyone, nor throwing away lives, to further their own agendas.
    To be fair, I don’t consider the liberal trust of the MSM to be any more naive than most peoples’ trust of the medical profession. To my certain knowledge there are several things that whether they are good for you or bad for you has changed, and changed back, time and again in my lifetime.
    I have a deep distrust and resentment of those who use propaganda tactics, and the most common one it seems is to present speculation and guesswork as fact. I find it quite insulting of my intelligence. Were I to do as she has done and attempt to trace the roots of my current attitudes, I suspect I could trace that one to the simultaneous discovery during my teenage years of lives thrown away for propaganda purposes by both the MSM and the Nixon administration. As an example of the former, I feel that ABC, NBC and CBS bear primary responsibility for the deaths of four college students at Kent State. It was the media’s reporting that put those people where they were.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/21/2008  at  06:11 AM  

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