Great, now I’m disenfranchized too.


The morons in Trenton really screwed the pooch with this one. Sorry this post is kinda raw. I’m just too pissed off about this to sit and compose something pretty. I’m nearly as pissed off that I didn’t hear about this on the TV news, and it wasn’t the headline in the local papers, which I preuse but don’t buy. Nope, I had to learn about it from Kim’s blog in Texas. Crap.

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/19/2008 at 11:38 PM   
  1. This brings to mind another line that would be good for the header quote:

    “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.” - Barry Goldwater

    To be honest, I seriously doubt there has been an honestly counted national election in the US since Goldwater’s time. I wouldn’t be surprised to find there hadn’t been one since Andrew Johnson or before, for that matter.

    The Land of the Fee and the Home of the Slave. Swell.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/20/2008  at  06:35 AM  

  2. I think you might have put 2 numbers together on the game 1 score.. don’t think a baseball game can end in a score of 85 -2 even if NY hit homers every single time they were at bat..
    but I see your point and many things in the presidential election process are broken.. this whole Primary/caucus thing..  I think all Primaries(Eliminate the ancient musical chair caucus thing) should be held in a 48 hour period… 7am-7pm central friday and 7am-7pm saturday central.. (even though im in Eastern thought central would be more in the middle..
    although then i guess the conventions would be even more of a formality then they are now..

    Posted by Infinity    United States   01/20/2008  at  02:41 PM  

  3. Let’s see now:  The Electoral votes of New Jersey automatically go to the candidate with the greatest popular vote from the other 49 states.  This is supposed to advance democracy?  The entire New Jersey electorate has just been disenfranchised!  What the F*cking H*ll are they thinking!?!?!?  The entire state of New Jersey can be totally disgusted with a candidate and that candidate can still get all of New Jersey’s electoral votes!  Any thought that this will enhance the democratic process in the United States can be politely is crap.  This is why I call “liberals” neo fascists.  They are the new Brown Shirts.  Where the old Brown Shirts used brute force, the current generation and much more subtle and even more effective.  I am left struggling to find words that adequately describe this state of affairs.  When will we have a Ministry of Truth? 

    This is not democracy.

    This is not freedom.

    I have seen riot troops and flaming barricades in the streets of an American city.  I hoped to never see them again in my lifetime.  At some point, the people of the United States will see what has been done under the banners of “liberalism” and “progressivism” and we will see both again.  May G-d have mercy on us all.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/20/2008  at  07:37 PM  

  4. Thanks Doc, you understand exactly how I’m feeling. The really REALLY upsetting part is that this got almost no news coverage, no protest rallies, no people buzzing at the office, not much press coverage, and it’s only a week later that it’s even going around the VRWC blogosphere. Nobody gives a damn. Nobody can see half a step into the future and realize what this means.

    NJ just became the bonus prize. No Presidential candidate ever needs to step foot in the state again, or pay a dime to run an ad campaign.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/20/2008  at  08:38 PM  

  5. I was a child when last a major piece of US news consisted of soldiers confronting rioters. Foolish though I knew it was, I have always nursed a hope that it would not come to that again in my lifetime.
    It hurts me beyond my capacity to express that now such times are once again in my lap, and where the first time I was too young to be any use to either side, now I am too old.
    No, I don’t *want* to fight. No one ever desires peace as much as an old soldier. But when an old soldier, someone who had the heart to make that commitment to his country’s freedom in the first place, feels there is no other choice, it hurts to feel that the heart that was able to make that commitment turned out to be of no consequence, that circumstances denied him the opportunity to make his commitment MATTER.

    I’ve never lived in New Jersey, and never will. But Drew, I hope you will forgive me if I feel every bit as cheated as you do.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/21/2008  at  09:11 AM  

  6. Also, with all us Heinlein fans here, I probably don’t need to remind you that the only truly deadly weapon is the mind. To that end, there are a couple of suggestions I’d like to make toward rounding out your home defense arsenal.

    1) Possible necessities for your library:
    The Anarchist’s Cookbook
    The Poor Man’s James Bond
    The US Army Improvised Munitions Manual

    2) It might be a good idea to take a martial arts course AND a dance class. Why *DANCE*?!? Because historically, about half the cultures that have had a tradition of dance have had it because it was a way for a disarmed peasantry to teach martial arts to the next generation, right under the eyes of their masters.

    3) You might consider joining a medieval reenactment group. While there are a lot of laws governing *knives*, swords, longbows and crossbows seem to occupy something of a blind spot in people’s perceptions of an armed populace. While they may not be as effective as firearms, you can read in history whether the first Japanese soldiers armed with gunpowder weapons considered them adequate against Samurai. They are simple to build, maintain and repair, simple to find or make ammo for (if they require ammo at all), they NEVER jam, and a fair number of the available options can pass through a metal detector without a peep.
    The oldest medieval reenactment group in the US is the Society for Creative Anachronism. There is an urban legend that the FBI has them listed as “low tech paramilitary survivalists, not considered a threat to national security because of the large percentage of veterans in their membership.” In a FREE country that may be true. But I think it’s a safe bet that any attempt at tyranny would find the SCA as deep a thorn in their side as the Soviets found the Afghan guerillas.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/21/2008  at  09:59 AM  

  7. The stupidity of succumbing to the “Majority” is incredibly popular and suicidal, another example of the education system not working.
    Over thirty states become irrelevant if majority rules.
    50% of the population lives in ten states; 66% lives in sixteen states. Why would anybody campaign in Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina when the power will reside in the large cities of California, New York, Illinois, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania and four other states?
    New Jersey is 11th in population, Maryland is 20th. Are their political leaders really that stupid?

    Posted by Big Aed    United States   01/21/2008  at  10:31 AM  

  8. The other thing is that the people behind the stupid movement and the governors that have supported it also don’t understand the electoral college very well.. acts by the governor are not needed I don’t beleive.. the electors could decide to go by popular vote instead of what the state voted.. .the delegates are just picked to be the majority winner in the state, the electors are not committed to vote for that candidate(although granted delegates of 1 party would be unlikely to switch to voting for the other candidate.) I beleive, technically florida electors could have decided to go with Gore in 2000, but didn’t.. and were probaly a bit scared by the media culture of today, imagine what would happen after the media had already announced the new president, If the electors went differently and they had to issue a correction after the Electoral College made their decision?

    Ok according to this
    Florida electors couldn’t have changed their vote but texas could have.. just good thing they didn’t

    Posted by Infinity    United States   01/21/2008  at  11:35 AM  

  9. Be careful of the Anarchist’s Cookbook.  A few of the recipes are likely to blow up while you’re mixing them.  It’s a matter of a few “minor” goofs by the author.

    Big Aed, you’ve nailed some good points.  I don’t actually think that the state governors are stupid as much as they are following the party line and working to make the Democrats the dictators.  Don’t forget that when Diane Feinstein was beginning her political career in San Francisco, one of the first things she did was get the rules of San Francisco City Council elections changed to an “at large” system, that allowed a small organized group to dominate city politics.  This looks a lot like it.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/21/2008  at  08:47 PM  

  10. Well I will admit, I had rather assumed that anyone planning to make impromptu explosives *from a site like this one* would have the sense to enroll in a college chemistry course or two before starting, if for no other reason to become familiar with the standard safety procedures.
    It just makes sense not to ignore all former art when setting out on a new path.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/21/2008  at  09:27 PM  

  11. Just for a chuckle, check out how many fingers Kurt Saxon has.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/21/2008  at  09:34 PM  

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