A Nation of Crybabies and Counseling-Addicted


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 02/17/2005 at 07:29 AM   
  1. I like to point out to weaklings that “therapist” consists of two words, the first being “the”.

    They never seem to like hearing that.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   02/17/2005  at  08:33 AM  

  2. Don’t Hoze Yourself Vilmar.

    Those so-called “counsellors” charge more than lawyers.  Their goal is to turn American medicine into highly paid “counsellors” explaining why waiting lines for Socialized Medicine are so long.  And these people give you mind relaxants to help ease your pain.

    They lobby for Mental Health Parity.  That means our insurance company would have to pay $8 million per person for insureds’ Mental Problems.  Of course they say health insurance premiums won’t go up a bit and probably go down, but that’s stoopid.

    I say when a 16 year old girl get’s dumped by her so-called boy friend we should cap mental coverage to $100,000 or maybe $250,000 per dumping.  But to pay to $8 million is crossing the line.

    OCM will probably disagree and demand free health insurance for all gay state employees friends, like in New Mexico, with their fearless leader Governor Richardson (D-NM) did by executive order.

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   02/17/2005  at  08:44 AM  

  3. In a word: pussification.  Our local high school has a principal, four vice principals, eight guidance counselors, an unknown-sized mob as office clerks, a librarian with several assistants, a social worker and a psychologist, almost all women, for 2,000 boys and girls.

    My high school had 3,000 boys, (un-sedated, by the way), no girls, and was run by a principal, a vice principal, two guidance counselors, an office secretary and one librarian.  The teachers were almost all men, who doled out homework in large quantities, didn’t tolerate any crap, were not afraid to criticize or be gruff and fatherly in a traditional way, and demanded the very best we could give. We were expected to act like decent young men, and in return we received a fine education.

    I suspect women are genetically inclined toward touchy feely things, including career choices outside the home, and stay away from hard science, construction, transportation and other “guy” things.  One result of women’s liberation is a glut of touchy feely college graduates looking for employment, and they have settled en masse into education, bringing all the caring motherly virtues to the schoolhouse, which combined with left leaning statists in administration and the education faculty at colleges, has resulted in top heavy, sluggish, money-gobbling school systems that coddle kids and lose sight of their core purpose: teach kids to read, write and do some math, and in that process instill a work discipline so that the students become capable of being functional contributors to our society.  Apparently the system now glorifies administrators, who like to call themselves “educators”, to the detriment of those who used to be respected and looked upon in the community as professionals, and were called “teachers”.

    Hearing the word “educator”, and school systems whining about needing more money, make me wanna Dean scream and run to the school with a broom and fixed bayonet to clean house.

    Posted by dick    United States   02/17/2005  at  09:12 AM  

  4. I was in counseling for many years due to my bulimia and some childhood stuff.
    It helped but only because the end goal was to be able to use what I learned to help myself.
    Therapy as a permanent condition is destructive!

    Posted by Annoying Little Twerp    United States   02/17/2005  at  02:00 PM  

  5. I actually plan on going into Psychology as a profession.  I honestly hope I never have to deal with kids, not near empathetic enough to deal with some whiny little 13 year old snot who thinks life sucks because they just got dumped.  I want to work in the psych wards, where the real mentally ill are, people who I might actually be able to help.

    Posted by Elliott    United States   02/18/2005  at  09:51 PM  

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