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  1. War is upon you whether you like it or not Demorats

    It's official. A declaration of war has been signed this night/morning/whatever at Barking Moonbat Early Warning System *laughs evilly while sitting in an overly stuffed wing backed chair calmly smoking a stogie*
    Tracked on: my weblog ( at 2004 10 13 04:30:59
  2. In the words of the blonde bearded kingly dude at Helm's Deep.. so it begins

    The Benevolent Dictator at Barking Moonbat Early Warning System has signed a declaration of war! Ullulations of support resound here at Poisoning Pigeons. PS: We're with you guys... please don't shoot!
    Tracked on: Poisoning Pigeons ( at 2004 10 13 04:22:00