Zimbabwe: Battered white farmers vow to battle on.


These photos are just two of several I’ve seen this past week.  EU called for African leaders (leaders?) to show opposition to Mugabe. But later headlines read that African leaders show support.  Who knows how this’ll all end.  Oh right.  He’ll be overthrown, a new govt. will be installed and immediately be given millions more in aid and the whole thing starts all over again.

The west will wring it’s hands and pore money into, The White Man’s Self Emposed Burden.  Again.

Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 07/02/2008 at 02:25 PM   
  1. Why are we surprised at what Mugabe and his thugs are doing?  They’ve destroyed the country and are killing it’s people through starvation, inflation, and physical/mental domination and abuses.  Sadly I figure that a vast percentage of the population is going to be dead by the time Mugabe has shuffled off his mortal coil.  I figure one of his thugs will be president when he passes.  There is zero tolerance for anyone who refuses to accept the dictatorship and wants freedom in that country.

    The best thing we could do is back off, no more aid, no more supplies, and let them go at each other.  I know this is terribly unPC but it’s the only way I can see to get some relief for those who are living in that hel hole.  Maybe the rabid sociopaths and psychopaths who are running that country will succeed in killing each other off in a struggle for power and total domination.

    If the other African Union countries are washing their hands of this tragedy and the South African president refuses to rebuke Mugabe it’s obvious that this is the accepted status quo for the region.

    What gets me is the “African Americans” who continue to scream for reparation for their ancestors who were slaves here.  The ancestors were given 40 acres and a mule - a very princely sum at the time.  To my way of thinking, they should be paying US for not having to live in a region rife with FGM, rapine, murders, witch hunts over “stolen penises”, and abysmal ignorance which includes the rapes of little children to fight off AIDs.  Not to mention, no ancestor of mine to the best of my knowledge ever owned a slave.  Thus, I refuse to apologize for what I’m not responsible for.

    Posted by Valgerd Gydhja    United States   07/02/2008  at  03:05 PM  

    I put “Rhodesia” because the other name doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in my book, unless and until the people rise up in righteous wratch, machetes in hand, and arrest and execute this Dirty Fuckin’ Communist AND that other son of a bitch he protects, Col. Mengistu Haile Merian, the DFC who murdered Haile Selassie!

    Posted by Macker    United States   07/02/2008  at  07:06 PM  

  3. There was talk here that Mugabe should be assassinated. A lone sniper blah, blah. However he must have the support of his military so taking this clown out wouldn’t end the suffering. This will end in a bloodbath mark my words.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/03/2008  at  01:53 AM  

  4. Another Rwanda.

    Posted by Macker    United States   07/03/2008  at  06:46 AM  

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