Yu Have Got To Be Kidding Me


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/15/2020 at 12:02 PM   
  1. The Dems have to shut down the Nov election some way - or else Orange Man Bad will win again. Since when has a FLU been such a big deal - when in a foreign country? What I don’t get - is that the entrenched in DC have been paling around with Russia and China forever (possibly the ONLY good thing ole Nixon did was go to China) - so why under Trump are they the evil empires? And indigenous/impoverish peoples have been eating whatever they could get their hands on forever. Why (again under Trump) is there a problem?

    Yes, you and I know that one of the problems of a oneglobalworldorder is that all the diseases, slavery, poverty, violence and crap that goes on in all the third world - gets dragged into the civilized Nations. And leads to the tyranny of the third world despots - oops, my bad - leaders.

    Rinse, lather, repeat. Again. And. Again.

    Humans never seem to learn from history. And people wonder why someone with brains said - those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.

    Sad that they drag so many innocent people along with, into it or usually death due to their stupidity.

    Now days I feel that the stupidity is intentional - from both sides - those who lead and those who chose to be lead.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/16/2020  at  06:24 AM  

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