Would You Believe?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/05/2014 at 10:27 AM   
  1. It took them at least a month (notice the vagueness of time in both the hack and the ‘discovery’) - to find out that a server was hacked.

    This is indeed the most inept, corrupt and pathetic Administration in American history.

    Obama - involved in everything, responsible for nothing.

    Now that the evil and criminal element knows that the pathetic ACA website can be hacked (and that finding out - takes so long) - just how much time will it be, before a hack of personal information will be done?

    The clock is ticking and like our foreign policy and border - Obama is fiddling while the World burns.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/05/2014  at  10:58 AM  

  2. While the world burns, Obama squeezes the can of lighter fluid.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/05/2014  at  11:49 AM  

  3. The most unbelievable part of the story is the existence of a test environment.

    If they hadn’t been so set on rewarding donors by hiring them to design a new wheel they could have had eBay, Amazon or both build the system. They both have proven systems that allow for a very secure environment with very high volume of simultaneous users shopping and paying for for third-party products. Health insurance is just another product.

    The additional data to be collected through adjunct modules would have been developmentally time consuming only because of the security aspects and related testing surrounding a series of almost trivial processes and interfaces.

    The first three months of intense design/content discussions would have been frustrating to the developers trying to get bureaucrats to make and (shudder) actually sign off on decisions. The schedule would have been pushed by 6 months but there still would have been time for at least six months of real testing and fine tuning. All of this would have allowed for a lot of publicity and training and familiarization well before launching.

    But using them would have required a recognition of how great they are and how America has fostered that kind of success, a definite no-no.

    Posted by Ed456    United States   09/08/2014  at  11:26 AM  

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