World War III


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 07/15/2006 at 10:27 AM   
  1. + thay have got us next door, like i said lets get this done n dusted, let israel take out irans bomb plans, before the UN slows things back down so that they can keep on bombing, kidnaping, murdering, israel,and not doing nish to help them mad  big_israel_flag

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   07/15/2006  at  10:31 AM  

  2. Skipper I am with the Bulldog on this one. If we are lucky the Israelis will draw those scumbags from Iran in and toast their nuclear ambitions. However I just don’t see it.

    That French slimy toerag Black Jacque Chirac is wailing about how disproportionate the Israeli action is. Crap! The terrorists have been kicking sand in Israel’s face for too long and they have had enough.

    I keep seeing things about WWIII and sometimes you look at what’s happening and it does make you think is this biblical in it’s outcome? However I am not so sure. The Syrians are a spent force. They don’t have shed loads of ruskie crap anymore and who else is there? Iran? Well they would have to get through Uncle Sam first and this seems to be about their level sneaking rockets into Lebanon. I honestly think they are gutless cowards. What they should be worried about is an Israeli backlash. Who else is there now? Iraq has no army anymore and Egypt? I doubt they would want to take on the Israelis again I think they have learned too many painful lessons. I think it will all settle down shortly and it will be business as usual. The terrorist paleosimians will carry on with ther death cult backed by Iran and the Israelis will carry on shelling them.

    In some ways I wish it would escalate because sooner or later we (by that I mean the US, Britain, Australia Canada and maybe New Zealand since no one else has the stomach for what needs to be done) are going to have to face down Iran before they get a hold of some real nuclear weapons.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/15/2006  at  10:52 AM  

  3. The big war started when the towers came down, we just need to keep it in there back yard and win which we will. big_uk_flag  big_us_flag  big_israel_flag

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   07/15/2006  at  10:54 AM  

  4. Couldn’t agree more. If we join in, 100%, right now, the whole damn thing can be over in about a month or less.

    Yes, the war could spread. But it isn’t going to spread to any country that has a military that could stand up to US air power and then survive in the field for more than a week. C’mon, look at the neighborhood - Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan. Spread it further - Libya, Sudan, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Somalia? Cyprus and Turkey are mostly our allies, so at worst like the Saudis and the Jordanians they will try like hell to sit this one out. Those other countries are large and populous, but don’t have any mil-tec at all. And its so much cheaper to just blast them than it is to take them over and enlighten them.

    Iran is the problem, but there are only two ways for them to get in the fight - move troops to Syria hrough Turkey and Kurdistan, or invade Iraq from over the mountains. We may have got the new Iraqi army up to speed just in time.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/15/2006  at  11:00 AM  

  5. Drew458, half of somalia (skineys) are in the uk sucking it dry, saudis are just piss takers by nature, the rest are just (fill in space) bring it on WW3, get rid of this pain in the ass now. we should take advantage at this point because we are so evil cool grin big_us_flag  big_uk_flag

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   07/15/2006  at  11:24 AM  

  6. Opps, sark off.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   07/15/2006  at  11:26 AM  

  7. Notice how weakly the other arab states are protesting Israel’s “aggression?” Hell, these guys hate Hamas and Hizzbollah and are damned glad the Israelies are doing their jobs for them!

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   07/15/2006  at  12:02 PM  

  8. Spot on Rickvid, but they still help them fight isreal, and go with the flow. fuck the lot of them they had this comming.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   07/15/2006  at  12:14 PM  

  9. Comrades,

    You know, I suspect that a great deal of the tepid response given by the Arab League might also result from the fact that there is a rather large Coalition force sitiing in Iraq, right between Syria and Iran. Also a fair number of US forces in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, and several US Navy Battlegroups in various pods surrounding them.

    I’d like to think that some of those states, noticeably Saudi Arabia and Egypt have grown weary of the Islamofascist crap, especially what with bombs going off in their own countries and they probably welcome the chance for Israel to cull Hezzbollah and Hammas by a fair bit.

    Yeah, the Saudis bear a good portion of the blame for housing the Wahabbist groups, and Egypt was the home of the founder of the Muslim brotherhood, but those currently in charge would like to stay that way, and it just seems to me that it’s in their best interests for the zealous ones to be killed off.

    Besides which, Iran is also surrounded by Iraq, Afghanistan, and to the east, India, all of which are not overly-disposed to playing nice nice with President Imadinnerjacket.

    Persoanlly, I’ve seen the sharp point of the stick. I’ve seen people killed and stuff blown up. It’s never nice, but sometimes it has to be done, and it’s better that WE deal with it now, than to have our kids keep having to deal with these same scumbags for generations to come.



    Posted by Gwedd    United States   07/15/2006  at  01:22 PM  

  10. Oh shit. Well, let’s get it done. If we can tell the libloons to sit down and shut up, just let us do our job, yeah we can wipe this in a matter of weeks. The problem has always been, for the last 50 years or so anyway, that we did not just tell the libtards to do just that. These traitors to the existance of the US, these communist plants, have made noise and interfered. The welfare state has bred them, as long as their check gets in first of the month they don’t care. Just shut up and let us get it done.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   07/15/2006  at  01:55 PM  

  11. Could spread?  Will spread.

    The Islamists are getting their wish.  The Palestinians are getting their wish.  The Iranians are getting their wish.  All the shit heads who claim to want peace, but seek only death are getting their wish.  The rest of us have 2 choices and one of those really sucks. 

    From 9/11 to now, I’ve been hoping to see some change in the course of events.  Looking to see if anyone had an idea that might head off a world wide conflict of Islam vs. The World.  The gentleman who proposed Protestant Islam looked interesting, but it will be a long time for his ideas to take hold, assuming he isn’t killed for apostasy first. 

    The bloodletting has started.  Let’s get it done.  Let us commit the men, women, arms, legs, eyes, aircraft, ships, tanks, trucks and everything else needed to fight this war.  We have a global religious war to fight.  The vilest kind of conflict known to man.  Even if we win, the damage to our society and our way of life will be tremendous, but the damage if we lose will be far worse. 

    We also have a 5th column to deal with. As this proceeds, we will find ourselves rounding up Moslems in the U.S. (and elsewhere) and putting them in internment camps.  I wonder if the Moslems will redeem and prove themselves the way the Nisei and Sansei did during WWII?  I’m not holding my breath on that one.  We will have a “disposal” problem to deal with at some point and the ACLU isn’t going to like it, but by then, I don’t think anyone will be listening to them.  Hopefully, within a generation after the conflict is over, we will recover our normal sense of right and wrong.

    Oh yeah, keep the Democrats out of office.  The last Democrat who could actually deal with serious conflict was Jack Kennedy.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   07/15/2006  at  02:37 PM  

  12. Sooner or later we’ll have to deal with Iran, and violently.  Problem is the mullahs, who are the ones who ought to be killed to stop this madness, will beat feet before or while the bombs are falling.  An unannounced nuke could level Teheran and Qom and probably kill most of the mullahs before they could escape, but what about the millions of Iranis who would love to have a secular Iran, but do nothing at the moment because they are under threat of their lives from the mullahs?  A broad brush would kill them too. Then too, if we do violence in Iran, especially nuclear violence, where will China come down?  They have a formidable land force to deal with on the Asian continent, and are currently our most potent adversary.  I don’t give a damn what the rest of the world thinks of us in the Islamist war, but the thought of a genuine nuclear Armageddon is frightening.

    Perhaps a truly never before seen level of shock and awe (such as a nuke on Teheran)might bring the Islamists into 21st century reality and encourage revolt of the Muslim masses against the extremists, but I’m not smart enough to make that call.

    Trouble is, if we don’t deal with Iran shortly, they will start Armageddon, and meanwhile, their disruption of oil markets and supplies is damaging the West economically.

    We’d better start drilling ANWR and the coasts ASAP.

    Posted by dick    United States   07/15/2006  at  02:50 PM  

  13. I think peiper you got that last statement around the wrong way, it is a (real war), but we watch tv ect ect like its just another ball game, the likes of ACLU ect our msm at home are just not helping and should be shut down. NUKE IRAN ,see Dr.jeff easy,and the commitment has been to big allready. fucking hell you should see right from wrong now Dr jeff, i dont want my kids even talking about this shit today never mind when they grow up.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   07/15/2006  at  04:48 PM  

  14. Dont be fooled Gwedd, thay are all sneaky fucks.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   07/15/2006  at  04:54 PM  

  15. Excellent conversation, all.

    My 2 cents is this:

    This one just ‘FEELS’ different. Maybe I’m crazy, but somehow this one just has a different, and very scary feel to it. Something in my gut says that this is the beginning of something massive, and it scares the hell out of me. It actually is odd to me to watch the news and see them talk about such stupidly inane topics, and only spend 3 1/2 minutes on the middle east. Pathetic.

    I am with Bulldog, I have 4 boys, and I don’t want them even talking about it, let alone dealing with it. This has been a long time coming, and if we’re going to do it we need to do it right.

    Anyone with a brain knows these islamo-bastards don’t want a peaceful resolution with us, they want us all dead. You can’t negotiate with that.

    My prayers are with our Israeli friends.

    big_israel_flag  big_us_flag  big_uk_flag

    Posted by Agamemnon    United States   07/15/2006  at  11:12 PM  

  16. Bulldog, I’m not sure that I understand your “easy” reference.

    I can understand pretty well that no one wants to have their children deal with or even have to consider much of what we’re discussing here right now.  It scares me a lot too.  To win a religeous war, we will probably have to commit serious acts of genocide, racial and religious bigotry.  How does a society heal itself after such acts?  It’s easy enough to say that first we must survive, but what will be the legacy that the acts leave behind?

    I understand pretty well where the right and wrong is here.  If we don’t kill them first, they will kill us.  Therefore, we must kill them first.  No question.

    The question that worries me in the long run is that as a society, we are composed of every religion on the planet.  Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, Animist, Santoria, Voodoo, Wicca and every other faith is practiced here in the U.S. and we’ve all learned to get along with each other despite the obvious differences.  How do we deal with singling out the followers of one religion for incarceration and/or death without lighting up the rest of the religious divisions in our country?  How do we preserve the freedom to practice our faiths in peace and safety after we have eradicated someone else’s faith?  I understand full well that it is better to contemnplate those questions from the standpoint of the victor than the vanquished, but we’d better start thinking about it now, so that our children will have a decent and civil world to inherit.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   07/16/2006  at  02:42 AM  

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