Words escape me


Posted by Somnambulist57    Canada   on 11/18/2015 at 07:27 AM   
  1. Yes, John F’ing Kerry, they are really angry, and that is a perfectly fine reaction to their god being made fun of.  The real problem begins when they act upon this anger and MURDER people.  That is what defines western CIVILization from the rest of the TURD world.  And it is this proof that is all that is needed to show that these backwards-thinking dregs of the world are not ready to join civilization.  But nope, instead, we want to spread them around the world and insert them into civilization, is if somehow, they will magically become just like us. 

    America and other countries are letting these people come in by the thousands and hundreds of thousands, and use our past as the reason.  They claim that the words on the Statue of Liberty are what we should live by.  However, as once stated by Teddy Roosevelt, a president considered so great that he we have a bust of him next to Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln on Mount Rushmore...that the understood contract between America and the people we let come here, is that they MUST integrate.  They must become American.  They must speak English, and contribute to this great land, and swear allegiance to America.  And that too is the problem.  There was a time that immigrants did exactly this.  They WANTED to become American.  It was an honor to do so.  Now, we have people who come here, not to become American, but to avail themselves to all the benefits of being here, but want to give absolutely nothing in return.  They want America to become more like the shithole they just left...and I have to ask WHY?  If it was so great there, why did you leave?  They believe America should accommodate them in every way, and sadly, we have liberals in our system that are doing just that, and telling them and us that these newcomers have a RIGHT to do this.  WTF?

    During the first rush of immigrants to come to America, the mentality was different, and we NEEDED warm bodies to expand and grow.  Today, we no longer need lots and lots of people.  We have plenty of our own to worry about as it is.  Newcomers should bring something to the table if they want in.  America does not need goat herders and dumb laborers that immediately run to the welfare and free housing office.  Have a necessary skill that we need, and be able to support yourself and your family, and we will let you in.  Oh, and adapt to US...not the other way around.  If your religion or your way of life demands that you be offended by how America governs itself...well, we don’t need you.  And if you are a person who demands that no one offend you at all, but you go around offending everyone you meet...well Sparky, seems to me you are the problem. 

    But those that want to destroy our way of life demand We The People change our ways, in order to allow those that will not only not make America better, but instead, be part of the problem, come on in by the boatload...and we get to pay for all of it. 

    I am sure I am not alone on this.  But when will those who think like me become the majority in charge?  Or, are we so afraid of being labeled or offending anyone, that we let our country get trashed just so some retards don’t whine about being made to feel sad.  Is that what we have become? 

    Finally, if this country does go under, and we are damn near that tipping point...well, then we got what we deserved, and the experiment of our Founding Fathers has proved a failure.  It is up to us.  Will we thrive once again, or die...a footnote in the history books of that 240 year blip where human beings thought they could govern themselves....silly fools.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   11/18/2015  at  09:02 AM  

  2. Of COURSE it would be muleface (with apologies to mules). Because LORDIE LORD Knows that the same idiot who thought the monstrosity of the Communists of Indochina was understandable (what with all the rape, murder, state terrorism, and self-genocide) because of what DA EVIL US did to them (....however little that actually is).

    Really, I know I’m famous as the Wall of Text nerd but I’m going to have to leave that to what sdkar said. They hit it out of the ballpark and I don’t see any way I can really improve on it.

    The one thing I will say is this. Regarding Kewwy.

    The sad, sick truth is that at lae st on the latter part of it, this.

    “There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of — not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, ‘Okay, they’re really angry because of this and that.’”

    I could see myself saying or typing SOMETHING like that in other circumstances. I believe that it is important to know why (such as it is) they are really angry, and what the this and that is.

    So what’s the difference?

    The DIFFERENCE is that I know that rationales do not have to be reasonable. Their atrocities and justifications for them are not justified. They are excuses for the inexcusable. It is no different from knowing that Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s defeat in WWI on absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

    After all, some of the most monstrous actions on this world have been created because of “justifications” by those committing actions that can never, EVER be justified. Just looka t the Taliban.

    That doesn’t mean it hurts to know what they are, especially since they should be used to know what they will target and defend them. Know your enemy.

    Including knowing that they are your enemy.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   11/18/2015  at  09:53 AM  

  3. It’s not just you. We ARE all fucked. At least for the near future. Nothing is going to change until they admit that the problem is written right into the Quran. If they can’t properly define the enemy they can’t hope for more than a stalemate. Unless the book is eliminated or rewritten this war on our society will continue and progressively get worse as technology improves.

    Posted by Cents    United States   11/19/2015  at  02:11 AM  

  4. It’s not just you - and part of the problem with who is in charge in the US - is that the GOP is giving in/giving up and nominated the absolute worse candidates in 2008 and 2012 - and pretended to frost the chance with possibly good VPs (which is why the GOP got any votes at all) - but mostly that the DNC cheats to win - and no one holds them accountable.

    Look at how the system has been rigged and altered to allow this cheating. Absentee voting for anyone/everyone, Counties with more registered voters than adults, precincts with 100% vote for Obama, a house in OH with some 30 to 40 ‘residents’ - none of whom were actually OH residents [the Sec of State, a Dem, refused to do her job of vetting all the ‘new’ voters registered under the (idiotic) Register/Vote at the same time law (which was repealed immediately after the election], again OH - mostly in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) ACORN worked overtime to hound people into multiple registrations (one man registered 72 times) - just to commit fraud under this idiotic law. Which is how he won (swing state) OH in 2008.

    Obama won 28 states, McCain won 22 - ACORN was accused of election ‘tampering’ in 14 states - Imagine if even only one half of that was true - Obama would be down to 21 states and McCain (not that I would have wanted McAmenesty in, but he would certainly be better than Obama) would have won 29.

    Get it - it’s just that easy. And while it has it’s issues - It is why I will continue to support the Electoral College - the ‘popular’ vote is too damn easy to steal, corrupt and fraudulently win.

    BTW - I will add these words - to remind everyone here - what Election Fraud, Media complicit with the DNC and mass criminal illegal invasion has brought us:

    “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people,” Obama claimed.
    “And to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France,” he continued. “I’m too busy for that.”

    Obama after the Paris attack.
    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/19/2015  at  11:54 AM  

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