Woman jailed for smuggling baby, UK so willing to help. But this time a gremlin got caught.


Thing is see ..... these SOBs get FREE housing and most especially when there are kiddies.  And so much per kid as well.
And ... the powers that be are screaming the country needs more housing, more housing.  Sure they do.  Cause they WILL NOT control their borders and will not tell the EU to f… off!

Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 05/16/2008 at 12:09 PM   
  1. The only good part of this is that since her sentence is over 2 years she could be deported. What you have to remember is Britain can’t deport “Europeans” and this Nigerian creature has managed (like thousands of her compatriots) to obtain a European passport. Different rules apply to them and the minimum sentence before deportation can be considered is two years assuming the judge requests it.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   05/17/2008  at  07:35 AM  

  2. If someone has the money to go to Nigeria to steal, oops adopt a baby - why the scheme? Oh yeah, I forgot, she likes all the bennies being in a civilized country gets one, her only kids hates her and moved away to live with dad and if she didn’t get another kid fast - she’d have to pay rent. . .God forbid that ever should happen.  Could be the infamous Chocolate City if it was this side of the pond. Theys still whinnin for the gazillions that theys owed. . .

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/17/2008  at  09:33 PM  

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